Air-Conduction Audiometer iPad / Medecine v1.0.8 Il y a 10 jours Use this app, alongside the Koss UR22iAP calibrated headphones (ANSI/IEC) and a fully functional and supported iPad to have a Type 4 (air conduction) hearing screening audiometer. It uses both... Gratuit Obtenir
Feather Squadron: Canada iPad / Medecine v3.0.3 Il y a 1 an This app contains a variety of fun games for children to play (ages 5 and up) and we measure their listening abilities while they play! This app has a quick screening option for parents and... Gratuit Obtenir
Feather Squadron: USA iPad / Medecine v3.0.2 Il y a 1 an This app contains a variety of fun games for children to play (ages 5 and up) and we measure their listening abilities while they play! This app has a quick screening option for parents and... Gratuit Obtenir
Feather Squadron: Australia iPad / Medecine v3.0.2 Il y a 1 an This app contains a variety of fun games for children to play (ages 5 and up) and we measure their listening abilities while they play! This app has a quick screening option for parents and... Gratuit Obtenir
Feather Squadron: New Zealand iPad / Medecine v3.0.2 Il y a 1 an This app contains a variety of fun games for children to play (ages 5 and up) and we measure their listening abilities while they play! This app has a quick screening option for parents and... Gratuit Obtenir
Insane Earplane iPad / Medecine v3.0.1 Il y a 1 an This game is designed to treat a specific auditory ability related to learning or reading problems. Your local audiologist or speech-language specialist can assess whether this game is right for... Gratuit Obtenir
Zoo Caper Skyscraper iPad / Medecine v3.0.1 Il y a 1 an This game is designed to treat a specific auditory ability related to learning or reading problems. Your local audiologist or speech-language specialist can assess whether this game is right for... Gratuit Obtenir
Pre Screener iPad / Medecine v2.0.2 Il y a 1 an Deze app bevat een aantal leuke games voor kinderen vanaf 7 jaar en ouder. Terwijl het kind speelt, meten we of er sprake is van gehoorverlies! Deze Nederlandstalige app mag en kan alleen door... Gratuit Obtenir
Hearing Loss Screener iPad / Medecine v2.0.2 Il y a 1 an This app contains a variety of fun games for children to play (ages 7 and up) and we measure for hearing loss while they play. This app must be used by appropriate professionals only. For... Gratuit Obtenir
Vliegles iPad / Medecine v3.0.1 Il y a 1 an Deze oefening is ontworpen om een specifieke auditieve verwerkingsvaardigheid, die samenhangt met het leren en het lezen, te trainen. Uw plaatselijke audioloog of spraak-taal patholoog kan... Gratuit Obtenir
Stapelgek Op Dieren iPad / Medecine v3.0.1 Il y a 1 an Deze oefening is ontworpen om een specifieke auditieve verwerkingsvaardigheid die samenhangt met het lerenen het lezen te trainen. Uw plaatselijke audioloog of spraak-taal patholoog kan... Gratuit Obtenir
Feather Squadron: Nederland iPad / Medecine v3.0.2 Il y a 1 an Deze app bevat een aantal leuke games voor kinderen (vanaf 5 jaar). De auditieve verwerking wordt gemeten terwijl men de games doet. Deze app heeft een snelle screener voor ouders en... Gratuit Obtenir
Feather Squadron: England iPad / Medecine v3.0.2 Il y a 1 an This app contains a variety of fun games for children to play (ages 5 and up) and we measure their listening abilities while they play! This app has a quick screening option for parents and... Gratuit Obtenir
Feather Squadron: Ireland iPad / Medecine v3.0.2 Il y a 1 an This app contains a variety of fun games for children to play (ages 5 and up) and we measure their listening abilities while they play! This app has a quick screening option for parents and... Gratuit Obtenir
Feather Squadron: South Africa iPad / Medecine v3.0.2 Il y a 1 an This app contains a variety of fun games for children to play (ages 5 and up) and we measure their listening abilities while they play! This app has a quick screening option for parents and... Gratuit Obtenir
Feather Squadron: Scotland iPad / Medecine v3.0.2 Il y a 1 an This app contains a variety of fun games for children to play (ages 5 and up) and we measure their listening abilities while they play! This app has a quick screening option for parents and... Gratuit Obtenir