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《城市中国》创刊于2003年,是国内独一无二的一份城市研究型杂志,它具有鲜明的国际化视野,从政策、规划、建筑、经济、人文、社会生态、商业形态等领域的各层面出发,全面剖析当代中国城市在全球化背景下的发展轨迹与思路。 从创刊至今,《城市中国》凭借其专业观点与崭新的视野,成为政府机关决策层、建设类行业高管、城市研究机构及学者乃至密切关注城市发展动向的各专业界精英的必读本。 《城市中国》电子期刊内容源自《城市中国》纸质杂志,形式比纸媒更加生动精彩,同时不定期推出《城市中国》过刊及别册系列,敬请期待。 我们将严格实行“城市中国隐私政策”,尊重并保护所有使用服务用户的个人隐私权。详情见http://urbanchina.082021.cn/uc.html 订阅须知参见http://urbanchina.082021.cn/subscrinotice.html 如果您在下载和阅读中遇到障碍,请发送邮件至 00urbanchina@urbanchina.com.cn,我们将竭力为您解决订阅和下载中遇到的问题。 ——— Urban China magazine is authentically the first magazine on urbanism in China, and also a multi-dimensional medium which integrates deep-level problems with the popular expression, orthodox official discourse with vivid folk narration. With an integrative framework, Urban China romances the diversified urban context in different typologies of text including news, stories, reviews, regulations, quotations, dialogues, dictionaries, drawings, cartoons, diagrams, etc. Urban China also makes the deep-level problems more readable by means of amalgamating illustrative diagrams, reasoning in whodunit styles, commercial advertising stage lines and entertaining popular elements as well. Through the professional analysis and interpretation, Urban China delivers the civilian voices from bottom up and translates the governmental policies from top down as a constructive platform between the government and the people. The digital version of Urban China integrates new-media techniques when looking into various urban issues. And we also publish digital versions of past issues and special issues though irregularly. We appreciate your patience and enthusiasm. We will strictly implement the “Privacy Policy of Urban China”, respect and protect all users’ personal privacy. Get more information: http://urbanchina.082021.cn/uc.html Subscription Notice: http://urbanchina.082021.cn/subscrinotice.html Feel free to send e-mail to 00urbanchina@urbanchina.com.cn if you encounter any problem in downloading or reading.
