Hapvida Clinipam iPhone / Economie et entreprise v7.6.0 Il y a 1 jour O aplicativo Hapvida Clinipam é uma ferramenta completa, projetada para simplificar sua rotina e fortalecer sua conexão com a saúde. Você pode escolher entre acessar os principais serviços... Gratuit Obtenir
BookCabin iPhone / Voyages v11.5 Il y a 9 heures BookCabin is a new online travel company that combines the convenience of all your essential travel arrangements in a single platform. Find all the best deals on flights, flight+hotel packages,... Gratuit Obtenir
Siemens Healthineers Events iPhone / Utilitaires v1.25.1 Il y a 1 jour This is the official Siemens Healthineers event app, your personal guide to Siemens Healthineers activities at selected events providing fast access to all relevant event information. All... Gratuit Obtenir
QLabel iPhone / Utilitaires v2.6.3 Il y a 1 jour 【introduce】 QLabel label printing tool Simple operation, easy to use; powerful function, simple design; Bluetooth connection printing equipment; rich templates, simple and convenient... Gratuit Obtenir
东方财富-股票、炒股、理财 iPhone / Finance v10.27 Il y a 5 heures 东方财富APP又升级啦!东方财富APP覆盖了股票、基金、期货、债券、外汇、银行、保险等诸多金融领域数据,每日更新数万条财经资讯信息,为用户提供便利服务。 特色功能: ●股吧——中国高人气股票主题社区,覆盖财经资讯、股友评论、个股行情、股市热点、基本面数据等多个股市实用功能 ●专业数据——覆盖全球重要市场行情 ,汇集股票新股申购、公司资料、证券投资研报等金融行业数百亿条数据 ●开户交易——全程网上股票开户,不排队,支持在线开通创业板,炒股佣金低至万2.5,交易安全、方便、快捷 ●即时提醒——股友互动、市场热点、自选股(公告、研报、数据等)动态消息及时提醒 ●主力资金流——真实还原实时主力大单,揭秘主力资金布局 ●高手跟踪——实盘组合、高手看盘、投资名师百家争鸣 ●智能选股——短线雷达、主题投资、画线工具、筹码分布、分时叠加、超级Level-2、盘口异动、资金流向,从选股到分析到盘中决策,智能选股工具为您的投资决策助力 ●股市直播——各路大神直播传授投资经验 【新客专享礼包】 新客证券账户开通起3个月内股票账户银证转账累积净入金≥1000元,即可领取手机超级Level-2功能1年使用权。 新客开户可享不高于万2.5惊喜佣金,具体佣金请以app内具体页面为准。 新客开通证券账户后,东方财富通行证用户成功绑定个人东方财富证券账户,即可领取东方财富专业版(1年),VIP财富内参(1年)及核心内参(1年)的使用权限。 奖励有效期:开户权益赠送的产品有效期为一年。 活动有效期:即日起至2025年6月30日。 详细规则请以app内所示为准,开户服务由东方财富证券提供,东方财富证券有权提前终止活动。 Gratuit Obtenir
Safe YOU iPhone / Style de vie v3.1.18 Il y a 1 jour Safe YOU: Your Empowerment tool for Safety and Support (change this description topic) Unveiling Safe YOU, your digital sanctuary, empowering women and girls against domestic violence, sexual... Gratuit Obtenir
Pocket Code iPhone / Education v0.6.22 Il y a 22 heures Create, play, and share your own games, animations, interactive art, music videos, and many other kinds of apps, directly on your iPhone! Pocket Code is ideally suited for the Hour of Code... Gratuit Obtenir
MeditaBem iPhone / Forme et santé v3.2 Il y a 1 jour Encontrar um lugar completo com áudios, vídeos, músicas e mantras de yoga, meditação, exercícios e terapias holísticas nunca foi tão fácil. O MeditaBem é um aplicativo de bem-estar... Gratuit Obtenir
City Taxi - Taxi för alla iPhone / Voyages v9.06 Il y a 1 jour Citytaxi startade 2007 och har därefter växt sig till hela Österbottens största taxiföretag. Vi värdesätter en hållbar utveckling inom branschen och försöker hålla oss i framkanten av... Gratuit Obtenir
Английский язык English Galaxy iPhone / Education v1.5.5 Il y a 9 heures English Galaxy - уникальное приложение для тех, кто хочет выучить английский язык с нуля до продвинутого уровня... Gratuit Obtenir
Vendor Access iPhone / Economie et entreprise v8.1 Il y a 1 jour As a vendor, TrueAccess simplifies the credentialing process by allowing you to upload all required documents and sign all hospital policies entirely with your phone. It provides a more... Gratuit Obtenir
Clube de Vantagens Boa Compra iPhone / Economie et entreprise v3003.17.2 Il y a 1 jour Com o aplicativo Clube de Vantagens Boa Compra você tem acesso aos descontos exclusivos do Clube onde estiver. Através do aplicativo, você fica por dentro das promoções e campanhas que... Gratuit Obtenir
ATOM - Tech for mobility iPhone / Voyages v9.06 Il y a 1 jour ATOM Mobility empowers entrepreneurs to launch their own vehicle sharing and ride-hailing businesses. The Platform is an all-in-one solution for shared mobility and ride-hailing industries that... Gratuit Obtenir
Tangem - Crypto wallet iPhone / Finance v5.21 Il y a 2 heures Tangem Wallet is a cryptocurrency wallet for sending and receiving Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies safely and securely. No wires, batteries or chargers anymore, all you need to manage cryptocurrency... Gratuit Obtenir
FaceCall: Connect in a New Way iPhone / Réseaux sociaux v2.4.37 Il y a 1 heure Une moyen nouveau et positif de communiquer avec des amis et de faire de nouvelles connaissances à travers le monde entier. Vous pourrez voir et entendre l’essence de tout appel avant de... Gratuit Obtenir
Fit-2-Flaunt iPhone / Forme et santé v4.4.4 Il y a 1 jour Fit2Flaunt is a popular dance workout app that offers a range of pole dancing classes designed to help women of all skill levels learn and master this exciting art form. With a variety of... Gratuit Obtenir
Rallycheck iPhone / Sports v1.14.30 Il y a 1 jour The Rallycheck app replaces all rally passage controls, time controls, etc. with digital passage and time controls using GPS positioning. The Rallycheck app displays these controls on the... Gratuit Obtenir
Paxful | Portefeuille Bitcoin iPhone / Finance v3.0.6 Il y a 1 heure Paxful est une plateforme d'achat, de vente et d'échange de crypto-monnaies de pair à pair. Nous croyons en l'égalité de l'accès à la finance, qui permet aux utilisateurs d'échanger des... Gratuit Obtenir
Read Pro iPhone / Economie et entreprise v8.15.30 Il y a 1 jour Higher Sales Productivity In your Pocket Created by experts in the Real Estate Industry focusing on increasing efficiency of the Sales Teams and increasing the conversion ratios. READ PRO... Gratuit Obtenir
Long Châu - Chuyên gia thuốc iPhone / Medecine v3.8.0 Il y a 1 jour FPT Long Châu - Chuyên gia thuốc Nhà thuốc FPT Long Châu là ứng dụng được phát triển bởi chuỗi Nhà thuốc FPT Long Châu, trực thuộc Công ty cổ phần bán lẻ... Gratuit Obtenir