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汉语国学字典收录各类汉字9万4千多个,是国内收录汉字最多、最全、最专业、功能最多的工具之一。您可以查询汉字的拼音,读音,笔画笔顺,输入法、电码、四角号码等各类编码,字义,解释,引证,康熙字典,说文解字等等资料,是您学习汉语查字的好帮手。 字典是为如单字提供音韵、意思解释、例句、用法等等的工具书。字典是中国独有的,西方是没有字典的概念。 字典主要以收字为主。 我国最早的字典是在公元30年-124年,汉朝许慎编写《说文解字》,创立了六书理论,制定了中文字部首的基础,是字书中的佼佼者。(说文解字应为字书,而非字典) 中国正式使用“字典”一词始于《康熙字典》。根据《说文解字》,典是五帝的书本,神圣尊贵的大册。 中文字是表意文字,传统上字书排列方式是根据部首(如《康熙字典》),韵书则以韵部分类(如《广韵》)。部首在许慎创立时,共有540个,后来不断归纳淘汰,《辞源》中的部首只剩下240余个,到了《汉语大辞典》只有200余个。在1925年之后,部分中文字典开始使用由王云五发明的四角号码检字法。 我们郑重承诺: 【终身无广告】【终身无扣费】 使用过程中。有任何问题,请与我们联系。 The Chinese National Studies Dictionary contains over 94000 different types of Chinese characters, making it one of the most comprehensive, professional, and functional tools in China. You can search for various codes, meanings, explanations, citations, Kangxi Dictionary, Shuowen Jiezi, and other information related to Chinese characters, including pinyin, pronunciation, stroke order, input methods, codes, and corner numbers. It is a great helper for you to learn Chinese and search for characters. A dictionary is a reference book that provides pronunciation, meaning interpretation, example sentences, usage, and more for words. A dictionary is unique to China, and there is no concept of a dictionary in the West. The dictionary mainly focuses on collecting words. The earliest dictionary in our country was written by Xu Shen of the Han Dynasty in the years 30-124 AD, who wrote "Shuowen Jiezi" and established the Six Books theory, laying the foundation for the radical of Chinese characters, making it one of the best in Chinese character books. (Shuowen Jiezi should be a word book, not a dictionary) The official use of the term "dictionary" in China began with the Kangxi Dictionary. According to the Shuowen Jiezi, Dian is a sacred and prestigious book of the Five Emperors. Chinese characters are ideographic characters, and traditionally, the arrangement of character books is based on radicals (such as in the Kangxi Dictionary), while rhyme books are classified based on rhyme parts (such as in Guangyun). When Xu Shen founded it, there were a total of 540 radicals. Later, they were continuously summarized and eliminated, leaving only over 240 radicals in the "Dictionary of Chinese" and only over 200 in the "Chinese Dictionary". After 1925, some Chinese dictionaries began to use the four corner number character detection method invented by Wang Yunwu. We solemnly promise: [Lifetime No Advertising] [Lifetime No Deduction] During use. If you have any questions, please contact us.

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