南山堂医学辞典セット macOS / Medecine v1.2 Il y a 10 mois 『南山堂医学大辞典20版』と『南山堂医学英和大辞典12版』のセットです!!! ... 229,99€ Acheter
Balalaika Chords lite macOS / Musique v1.23 Il y a 10 mois Attention balalaika players! Are you tired of struggling to learn the complex chords? Look no further, because our app is here to help. With our app, you'll have access to all the major balalaika... Gratuit Obtenir
Nifty Savings Goal macOS / Finance v1.3 Il y a 10 mois Use the Nifty Savings Goal calculator to figure the amount of time it will take you to reach your savings goal. Simply input your current savings, savings goal, the amount you can save each... 1,99€ au lieu de 2,49€ Acheter
Daily Expenses macOS / Finance v3.5.6 Il y a 10 mois Daily Expenses was featured by Apple twice in "Best New Apps". The simplicity of this spending tracker is the reason why. Keep track of your spending habits using Daily Expenses. Daily expense... 3,99€ au lieu de 9,99€ Acheter
ICD-10 Codes 2020 Reference macOS / Medecine v3.0.2 Il y a 10 mois ICD-10-CM-Codes im Jahr 2020: Systematische Bestandsaufnahme - Internationale Statistische Klassifikation der Krankheiten und verwandter Gesundheitsprobleme. Ersetzen Sie Ihre 5 kg Bücher... Gratuit au lieu de 54,99€ Obtenir
3Doku macOS / Jeux v1.10 Il y a 10 mois Are you addicted to Sudoku? Can you solve a Sudoku schema blindfolded with your hands tied behind your back? Do you need more complexity? ...more challenge? ...more headache? ...more... 5,99€ Acheter
QRCode Barcode Generator macOS / Utilitaires v1.1.5 Il y a 10 mois QRCode Barcode Generator provide a quick way to generate your barcode and QRCode image. You can use this app in your workflow to generate ready to use image. Or use this app to work with other... 0,99€ au lieu de 1,19€ Acheter
DreamPlan professionnel macOS / Graphisme et design v9.18 Il y a 10 mois DreamPlan est un logiciel d'aménagement intérieur facile à utiliser pour créer des plans de maison en 2D, 3D ou en mode blueprint. Pour commencer votre projet, vous pouvez choisir d'utiliser... 44,99€ au lieu de 47,99€ Acheter
DreamPlan - Design de maison macOS / Graphisme et design v9.18 Il y a 10 mois DreamPlan - Logiciel d'aménagement intérieur gratuit DreamPlan - Logiciel d'aménagement intérieur gratuit permet de créer les plans d'une maison de façon amusante et facile. Travaillez... Gratuit Obtenir
Stock Ticker macOS / Finance v1.1.8 Il y a 10 mois Track tickers from NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX, EURONEX, TSX, INDEXES and FOREX in the Mac statusbar. You can always check the current price or percentage change in price at a glance and there are 8... Gratuit Obtenir
Iconset for Xcode macOS / developpeurs v1.3.5 Il y a 10 mois A simple developer tool for creating the complete macOS, iOS and watchOS icon set from a 1024x1024 png picture file. The “AppIcon.appiconset” folder is created on your hard drive. All you... 9,99€ au lieu de 10,99€ Acheter
Nemecká gramatika macOS / Références v1.0.8 Il y a 10 mois Nemčina - ucelený a stručný prehľad základnej nemeckej gramatiky kladúci dôraz hlavne na jednoduchosť, zrozumiteľnosť a prehľadnosť. Aplikácia je určená hlavne začiatočníkom,... 9,99€ au lieu de 10,99€ Acheter
Edge Recording Manager macOS / Utilitaires v1.3.1 Il y a 10 mois The GV-Edge Recording Manger (Mac version) is a tool designed for recording management of remote GV-IP Cameras and GV-Target Cameras. It is an integrated interface from which you can assess... Gratuit Obtenir
Russische Grammatik macOS / Références v1.0.8 Il y a 10 mois Kurzüberblick über die russische Basisgrammatik Allgemeines - Das Alphabet - Aussprache - Fälle Nomen - Geschlecht - Plural - Deklination Pronomen - Personalpronomen - Das... 22,99€ au lieu de 23,99€ Acheter
Russian Grammar macOS / Références v1.0.9 Il y a 10 mois Quick Reference of Basic Russian Grammar General - Alphabet - Pronunciation - Cases Nouns - Gender - Plural - Declension Pronouns - Personal pronouns - Reflexive pronoun "Cебя" -... 22,99€ au lieu de 23,99€ Acheter
Немецкая грамматика macOS / Références v1.0.8 Il y a 10 mois Краткий справочник по базовой грамматике немецкого языка Общая часть - Алфавит - Правила произношения -... 24,99€ au lieu de 25,99€ Acheter
Randomizer macOS / Productivité v1.0 Il y a 10 mois Randomizer is a free mac application that uses randomization to make your life easier! Features: -Decision Maker ! Every frustrated on making decisions? Simply enter your decisions separated by... Gratuit Obtenir
Continuum macOS / Jeux v1.7 Il y a 10 mois Continuum - Try to navigate through an endless and immersive combination of color, geometry, and music. Continuum is a lightweight and simple game where you move around in different directions... Gratuit Obtenir
Remote for Roku macOS / Utilitaires Baisse de prix v3.0 Il y a 10 mois Remote control & Video cast & Streaming Channel Control Remote for Roku is an remote controller for your Roku stick, it lets you easily control your Roku from your iMac/MacbookPro. you will... 2,99€ au lieu de 5,99€ Acheter
Cryptocurrency Ticker macOS / Finance v1.1.8 Il y a 10 mois Show your favorite crypto currencies directly in the Mac statusbar. You decide what to display and how to display it. There are more than 100 different ways of showing the ticker in the status... Gratuit Obtenir