FA Quiz - Trắc nghiệm Y Khoa iOS Universel / Education v63.6.3 Il y a 4 heures *****GIỚI THIỆU***** Sinh viên Y chỉ có hai mùa: Mùa thi và mùa thi sấp mặt. Cứ mỗi kỳ thi qua đi rồi kỳ thi này lại đến khiến sinh viên chúng ta ăn không... Gratuit Obtenir
Jonsson School Engineering Day iOS Universel / Education v1.5 Il y a 5 heures The Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Texas at Dallas invites the community to participate in its annual Explore Engineering Day, kicking off Engineers... Gratuit Obtenir
AmazingTalker iOS Universel / Education v2.1.187 Il y a 4 heures Apprenez une langue avec l'enseignant de votre choix AmazingTalker - Apprenez la langue que vous voulez avec le professeur de votre choix. Déjà plus de 500 000 étudiants ont atteint leurs... Gratuit Obtenir
Ovid-Elsie Area Schools iPhone / Education v4.4.1 Il y a 5 heures Introducing the brand new app for Ovid-Elsie Area Schools. NEVER MISS AN EVENT The event section shows a list of events throughout the district. Users can add an event to their calendar to... Gratuit Obtenir
Melodics for iPad iPhone / Education v4.1.605 Il y a 4 heures Melodics for iPad offers all of the features and functionality of the classic Melodics app. Melodics is the most enjoyable way to learn to play keys, drums and pads on your iPad. With 2000+... Gratuit Obtenir
SIR Annual Meeting iOS Universel / Education v2.0.3 Il y a 3 heures This mobile application allows you to view the schedule, presentations, exhibitors, and speaker details from select conferences and/or meetings. Users can take notes on adjacent presentations... Gratuit Obtenir
Monkey Junior-English for kids iOS Universel / Education v42.1.92 Il y a 7 heures I. Introduction to Monkey Junior 1. Target Audience Monkey Junior is a super English learning app that offers a comprehensive learning pathway to develop all four language skills: Listening,... Gratuit Obtenir
Mandarin Mosaic iOS Universel / Education v1.36 Il y a 12 heures A new method for learning Mandarin. Mandarin Mosaic is a specialised app for sentence mining in Mandarin Chinese. -Learn new words in context so that you can immediately use them in a sentence... Gratuit Obtenir
Culture Guide iOS Universel / Education v3.5.14 Il y a 7 heures The Air Force Culture and Language Center’s Culture Guide is the go-to resource for on-the-go access to essential information about a variety of overseas locations. • Access over 60+ Culture... Gratuit Obtenir
UTDallas ASC Conference iOS Universel / Education v1.7 Il y a 5 heures The Ackerman Center for Holocaust Studies is proud to announce that The University of Texas at Dallas is the new home of The Annual Scholars’ Conference on the Holocaust and the Churches. ... Gratuit Obtenir
KaDa阅读-儿童绘本阅读启蒙故事大全(原KaDa故事) iOS Universel / Education v8.22.4 Il y a 7 heures 原“KaDa故事”全面升级为“KaDa阅读”。KaDa阅读专为3-12岁儿童,打造优质原创儿童阅读内容,已成为6000万家庭信赖之选。... Gratuit Obtenir
WiBee iOS Universel / Education v1.53 Il y a 4 heures Take a short survey on a nice day to catalog bee species and their frequency in small areas, helping scientists discover insights on native bee populations. Gratuit Obtenir
库课网校-统招专升本培训学习备考刷题平台 iOS Universel / Education v7.2.8 Il y a 7 heures 库课网校APP,为统招专升本、专接本、专转本、教师资格、教师招聘等考生提供直播课、点播课、题库、图书和考试资讯的在线学习平台,丰富课程、在线题库、配套图书和考试资讯,为您的考证考级助一臂之力!库课网校,为你成就美好人生! 【六类资源助您成功】 直播课堂、班型套餐、点播微课、在线题库、精品图书,随时随地,开始学习!课程、题库、图书、资讯,线上线下,学练结合,考试资讯实时推送! 【六大科学课程体系彰显实力】 库课网校根据考试时间和学生实际情况开发的课程体系,包含VIP高端班、钻石班、全科基础班、单科进阶班等班型,以及基础精讲课、强化直播课、题海提升课、真题详解课、考前冲刺课等单科课程,总有一款适合你! 【库课网校,丰富课程】 分省份、分年份,涵盖公共英语、高等数学、管理学、教育理论、计算机、大学语文等专升本、专接本考试课程。教师类中小学、幼儿园配套视频课程。 【直播录播结合教学】 觉得一个人学习太孤独?害怕自己没有自制力?那就选择直播课程,所有学员同时在线学习,还可实时互动,让孤独感一扫而光。自制力强?学习能力强?当然选择录播课,批量下载、快进快退、倍速播放,你的学习节奏,由你自己掌握! 【在线考试学练结合】 库课网校教研院精心研制试卷——练习考场、模拟考场、真题考场……系统自动阅卷,自动批改,生成测评报告,提供个性化针对提升建议,帮助学员精准定位能力,及时合理改进方案,狙击薄弱点。 【你的专属移动课程】 站着学、坐着学、躺着学、趴着学、随时学,只要你想学,课程就在你的手中,pc、手机、微信小程序,多端同步学习进度;一次不懂,可反复回看。 【大平台,值得信赖】 580+一线辅导教师为你讲课,实时互动,线上答疑; 400+课程任你挑选,多方法、多模式教学,属于你的那款等着你; 20万+试题供你做题巩固,练习题、模拟题、真题,实时更新,学练结合,效果更好! 库课网校,精心为你准备每一节课,每一场考试! 库课网校,为你成就美好人生! 【联系我们】 如果有任何宝贵的意见,欢迎随时联系我们! 客服电话:400-6529-888 Gratuit Obtenir
LingoAce Connect iOS Universel / Education v3.11.7 Il y a 6 heures Chez LingoAce, nous croyons en la création d'un environnement d'apprentissage immersif et stimulant pour tous nos jeunes élèves. Nous savons aussi que nos élèves bénéficient du soutien et... Gratuit Obtenir
Noon Academy iOS Universel / Education v6.1.980 Il y a 6 heures On Noon Academy, you can learn with top teachers and friends, live. Get help when you need it, ask questions anytime, and build confidence to crush your exams! Best teachers: Learn from the best... Gratuit Obtenir
Krou Yeung App iOS Universel / Education v1.6.3 Il y a 3 heures Krou Yeung School is a private, non religious and non political educational institution. Our school is working towards Cambodia’s development by providing professional education services to our... Gratuit Obtenir
ASTROCOURSES iPhone / Education Nouveau v4.0.4 Il y a 8 heures Learn Predictive Astrology with courses, workshops, community feed, and message rooms on Indian Council of Applied Jyotisha! Gratuit Obtenir
Magical Stories iOS Universel / Education v1.3 Il y a 3 heures This app will allow you to bring characters from the Magic Stories that make children like to read - Exciting Animations - Interaction with Story Characters - Amazing Reading Experience -... Gratuit Obtenir