Best Biking Roads iOS Universel / Navigation v3.1.2 Il y a 7 mois et demi Vous cherchez de nouvelles destinations où faire de la moto? Ou vous êtes en voyage et cherchez les belles routes moto des environs? Ne cherchez pas encore! L'app iOS est... 3,99€ au lieu de 4,99€ Acheter
oilCHECK iOS Universel / Navigation v1.2 Il y a 7 mois et demi Enter the flight time of your last flight, enter the oil level status of your airplane engine and the amount you refilled - and get the average oil consumption of your engine. You can also set... 0,99€ au lieu de 1,19€ Acheter
Marine Symboles iOS Universel / Navigation v2.1.2 Il y a 7 mois et demi Tous les symboles, abréviations et termes utilisés dans les cartes marines. Utiliser comme une aide pour l'enseignement et l'apprentissage, ou comme rappel pour les marins expérimentés et les... 5,99€ Acheter
WGS84 iPhone / Navigation v2.5 Il y a 7 mois et demi This application is primary used to measure coordinates of WGS84. It provided two different format of coordinates - decimal degrees and degrees-minutes-seconds. All measure data could be exported... 1,99€ Acheter
Light Pollution Map iOS Universel / Navigation v1.1.22 Il y a 7 mois et demi The map displays VIIRS/World Atlas/Clouds/Aurora/IAU observatories and the user SQM measurements overlay over Microsoft Bing base layers (road and hybrid Bing maps). The primary use is to show... 4,99€ Acheter
Commander Compass iOS Universel / Navigation v3.17 Il y a 8 mois Commander Compass est une boîte à outils GPS de navigation en plein air et tout terrain pour s’en servir comme de boussole high-tech avec carte et/ou gyroscopique, récepteur GPS, système de... 6,99€ au lieu de 11,99€ Acheter
TesNavi Black iPhone / Navigation v1.9.10 Il y a 8 mois 테슬라에 검색하고, 내비게이션에 검색하고, 지치신 당신을 위해 앱을 준비했습니다. 주변 장소 검색 API를 이용한 장소 검색과 주소를 제공합니다.... 34,99€ au lieu de 59,99€ Acheter
86Metro iPhone / Navigation Nouveau v1.0 Il y a 8 mois Explore China's Metro Systems Discover the metro systems of cities across China with ease! Our app provides detailed maps, real-time updates, and comprehensive route information to help you... 0,99€ Acheter
OpenMaps PRO Open Source Maps iOS Universel / Navigation v5.25 Il y a 8 mois Embark on your next outdoor journey with OpenMaps PRO, the ultimate map companion for your iPhone and iPad. Whether you're a passionate trekker, an adventurous mountain biker, or a lover of the... 5,99€ Acheter
Fly Baby: Navigate in Style iPhone / Navigation v1.2 Il y a 8 mois Fly Baby is a set of premium cockpit navigation instruments and waypoint info that stays on your wrist wherever you go, giving you the ability to navigate to any destination across the planet or... 2,99€ au lieu de 17,99€ Acheter
3pMaster iPhone / Navigation v4.2 Il y a 8 mois The best TripMaster app ever made. 3pMaster needs a device with GPS to work. GPS sensor can be either the internal one (iPhone) or external (eg. Garmin GLO 2, Dual XGPS150A, etc) Using 3pMaster... 14,99€ au lieu de 15,99€ Acheter
Split Screen Browser Pro iPad / Navigation v1.3 Il y a 8 mois Do you want to see two webpages at the same time on your iPad? Now you can! We are not talking about going back and forth from tab to tab! This app will actually split your iPad screen in two and... 0,99€ Acheter
3pMaster Pro iOS Universel / Navigation v4.2 Il y a 8 mois The best TripMaster app ever made. 3pMaster needs a device with GPS to work. GPS sensor can be either the internal one (iPhone and iPad Cellular) or external (eg. Garmin GLO 2, Dual XGPS150A,... 24,99€ au lieu de 25,99€ Acheter
Nautic Speed and Compass iOS Universel / Navigation v1.7.2 Il y a 8 mois Ever wondered which speed you are heading with your boat? Or which direction you are cruising? This app will provide you all important information you need for your next boat ride. - Compass... 1,99€ au lieu de 2,49€ Acheter
Denver Zoo - ZooMap iPhone / Navigation v1.3.4 Il y a 8 mois Welcome to the BetterMaps ZooMap app, Denver Zoo version. Simple, fast and fun. Our app makes everyone’s day at the zoo better. Your phone got you to the zoo, now use it to show you around... 0,99€ Acheter
GR10 iPhone / Navigation v5 Il y a 8 mois Le GR10 est un itinéraire longue distance situé dans les Pyrénées françaises. L'itinéraire s'étend de l'océan Atlantique à la mer Méditerranée, à travers toute la chaîne de montagnes... 17,99€ Acheter
HRP iPhone / Navigation v5 Il y a 8 mois "Haute Randonnée Pyrénéenne" (HRP) est l’un des chemins les plus fréquentés par les habitants des Pyrénées et les Espagnoles. La route à travers l'océan Atlantique atteint la mer... 17,99€ Acheter
Flymap - Moving Map System iOS Universel / Navigation v2.19.0 Il y a 8 mois Flymap sur iPhone et iPad, c’est la suite de notre philosophie, c’est le jumelage d’un logiciel intuitif avec l’équipement moderne d' Apple. C’est la navigation aérienne sans... 199,99€ Acheter
PlaceTrack iPhone / Navigation v4.8.5 Il y a 8 mois PlaceTrack is a modern, cross-platform, full-featured location journaling and sharing app, available for iPhone, Apple Watch, and other platforms, and also offering compatibility with Car Play.... 6,99€ Acheter
Radar Plotting iOS Universel / Navigation v5.0.0 Il y a 8 mois et demi This application solve this marine radar plotting problems: - Determine kinematic data of a target like CPA (Closest point of approach) and TCPA (Time of CPA) - Determine evasive maneuver by... 8,99€ au lieu de 9,99€ Acheter