Paris Metro Routes and Map Pro iPhone / Navigation v1.0 Il y a 1 an Paris Metro Routes and Map - uses the Paris Metro map and includes a route planner to help you get around quickly to Paris Metro stations and attractions. Feature guides: - Transfer to the Paris... 5,99€ Acheter
Berliner U-Bahn: Metro Map Pro iPhone / Navigation v1.0 Il y a 1 an Berliner U-Bahn - Die U-Bahn-Karte verwendet den Transport für die Berliner U-Bahn-Karte und enthält einen Routenplaner, mit dem Sie sich schnell zu den Berliner U-Bahn-Stationen und... 5,99€ Acheter
iSpeed Speedometer iPhone / Navigation v4.8 Il y a 1 an iSpeed uses your iPhone's GPS to display speed, heading, and trip data. Select between mph, km/h, and kts units of measurement. iSpeed also shows current weather conditions based on your... 0,99€ au lieu de 1,19€ Acheter
Fires Live Map, Alerts & Info iPhone / Navigation Nouveau v1.0 Il y a 1 an Providing Active Fire Data for Near-Real Time Monitoring and Applications, fire alert system, fires nearby. Set the radius and strength of fires near you, the system will notify you via push... 6,99€ Acheter
tripReturn iOS Universel / Navigation v5.3 Il y a 1 an tripReturn is the perfect travel assistant. It allows you to retrace your steps to a start or stored location. Use it to find your car or navigate your way back to a start location when... 0,99€ au lieu de 1,19€ Acheter
Toilets around me iOS Universel / Navigation v1.7 Il y a 1 an Did you ever travel and were in need of a bathroom? Then this app is for you! This app uses always growing OpenStreetMap data and the Overpass API to find publicly accessibly toilets around you.... 1,99€ au lieu de 2,49€ Acheter
Pilot Brief iOS Universel / Navigation v1.5 Il y a 1 an PilotBrief App includes: Airport and Route Weather Decoding and Calculation Conversions of units 0,99€ au lieu de 1,19€ Acheter
Track4Facts PRO iPhone / Navigation v1.8 Il y a 1 an **New: Support for Dual SkyPro GPS-Receivers (XGPS160 & XGPS150) for professional results** Track4Facts PRO is the new edition of the long-standing App Track4Facts. The app helps you to record... 5,99€ Acheter
Map My Event iOS Universel / Navigation v1.15 Il y a 1 an Imagine arriving at an amusement park, festival, or campout then handed a map to figure out where to go. Use this app to create a custom map that uses GPS coordinates to mark your location.... 0,99€ Acheter
Bikemaster GPS Tracker iOS Universel / Navigation v1.4 Il y a 1 an GPS Tracking application for 0,99€ au lieu de 1,19€ Acheter
Stakeout iCMT iOS Universel / Navigation v1.0.5 Il y a 1 an “Stakeout iCMT” is a handy app that provides functions to help the users perform point stakeout and line stakeout tasks. It will let the user precisely digitize Points, Lines and Areas of... 17,99€ Acheter
Marine Navigation - Canada iOS Universel / Navigation v136.0.0 Il y a 1 an GPS Marine Charts App offers access to charts covering Canada (derived from CHS data). Only marine GPS app to have route assistance with Voice Prompts for marine navigation. It has route manager... 29,99€ Acheter
Helmsman's Kit iOS Universel / Navigation v1.2 Il y a 1 an This app combines the essential features you need in the cockpit of your yacht, optimized for easy and fast usage. • Display of a spherical compass as you are used to. • Man-over-board... 1,99€ au lieu de 2,49€ Acheter
SendLocation iPhone / Navigation v2.8 Il y a 1 an SendLocation is small utility for those who need an application that sends your location to your own server and script. It's dead simple: just provide the server and script and this app will do... 0,99€ au lieu de 1,19€ Acheter
Nav Camera iPhone / Navigation v1.2.3 Il y a 1 an Nav Camera uses the proven navigation, augmented reality, and image processing engines from the well known Theodolite app to create a new app that focuses on photogaphy and video recording with... 3,99€ au lieu de 4,99€ Acheter
Méditerranée Cartes Nautiques iPhone / Navigation v5.7.3 Il y a 1 an L'application unique sur le Magasin d'App avec cette technologie d'avant-garde. La technique continue de SUPERPOSITION de photo Satellite permet la comparaison avec les informations de... 14,99€ au lieu de 15,99€ Acheter
NOAA Nautical Charts & Map iOS Universel / Navigation v1.2 Il y a 1 an The premium and best app for Nautical Navigation Charts and Maps: * 1000+ NOAA Raster Navigational Charts (RNC) available for download and for offline use. RNC are high resolution, full-color,... 6,99€ Acheter
Forester GPS GIS III iPad / Navigation v1.0.6 Il y a 1 an “Forester GPS GIS III” provides tools for estimating basal area per acre for a timber stand as well as GPS data collection and mapping functions for use on the iPad. It will let you use a GPS... 229,99€ au lieu de 239,99€ Acheter
GPS Recorder X iOS Universel / Navigation v12.0.8 Il y a 1 an Le «GPS Recorder X" est un enregistreur capable de fonctionner dans tous les types de mesure des environnements tels que la recherche, au travail, lors de la conduite et dans des situations... 0,99€ au lieu de 1,19€ Acheter
龙岩网约车考试-网约车考试司机从业资格证新题库 iPhone / Navigation v3.0 Il y a 1 an 龙岩多家网约车公司认可的网约车资格证考试学习APP,考试题库实时更新,支持离线使用,界面干净清爽无广告。全国公共科目题库+龙岩市区域题库(同步更新),严格遵循考试大纲出题规则,模拟全真考试环境体验,试题提供详细解析,让你理解记忆,吃透考点,帮助您通过考试。 龙岩网约车从业资格考试学员学习选择龙岩网约车考试App,严格按照龙岩市交通委员会发布的《龙岩市网络预约出租汽车驾驶员从业资格考试大纲》撰写解析。包含龙岩网约车章节学习资料,龙岩政策法规、汽车系统、龙岩交通地理、知识技能等教材。提供顺序、模拟、章节等多角度科学练习模式,用龙岩网约车考试练题,网约车从业资格证考试真的省心不少。 3,99€ au lieu de 4,99€ Acheter