NIV Bible iOS Universel / Livres v7.16.2 Il y a 6 mois The NIV Bible is Tecarta's Bible app and includes a local version of the New International Version (2011) of the Bible. You get a very fast app designed for Bible Study, quick navigation and... 6,99€ Acheter
Amelia - Story Book for Kids iOS Universel / Livres v1.5.0 Il y a 6 mois One of the most interactive story books for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. Discover unique adventure you have never seen before. Amelia and Terror of the Night is an extraordinary, quirky... 1,99€ Acheter
Fox Tales - Story Book for Kids iOS Universel / Livres v1.0 Il y a 6 mois “Fox Tales” is an interactive story with features of an adventure game for children aged 5 to 12. It will be excellent both as an individual activity for a child and as a bedtime story, read... 1,99€ Acheter
Usborne J’habille mes amies iPad / Livres v1.5 Il y a 6 mois Une application pour les filles, avec des autocollants de vêtements, tirée de la collection des éditions Usborne J’habille mes amies, qui a remporté un énorme succès. Les fillettes... 0,99€ au lieu de 1,19€ Acheter
Esh Mishna Berura iOS Universel / Livres v6.0 Il y a 6 mois You can learn Shulchan Aruch with Mishna Berura and Beur Halacha on your iphone. Seif after Seif. You can make search on all the text quick. Compatible with all devices. Learning program. אתה... 7,99€ Acheter
Epub拆 iOS Universel / Livres v1.2 Il y a 6 mois Epub拆帮你解决电子书过大问题 电子书过大时: 1. 阅读器加载起来很慢 2. 找目录很麻烦 3. 无法直接传到kindle上 使用本工具只需要以下步骤: 1.... 0,99€ Acheter
Good Morning To You iOS Universel / Livres v1.3 Il y a 6 mois “Good Morning to You” is an interactive book that follows the beauty and joys of a typical morning, from the awe and comeliness of a sunrise, the observations and interactions of one’s self... 3,99€ au lieu de 4,99€ Acheter
佛光大藏經雜阿含經 iOS Universel / Livres Nouveau v1.0 Il y a 6 mois et demi 雜阿含經乃初期佛教的基本經典四阿含之一,彙集短而雜之經而成,故稱雜阿含。輯錄佛陀為比丘、比丘尼、優婆塞、優婆夷、天子、天女等講說四聖諦、八聖道、十二因緣之教說,全經共有五十卷,一三六二小經(大正藏編目),為漢譯四阿含中之最早及最大部者。本經之法句大多簡明,於實踐上之修行法門,列有念住、蘊、界等道品。相當於南傳五阿含之相應部。《佛光大藏經.雜阿含》採用新式標點,段落分明,著重巴利本、漢譯異譯本之對照,重新勘定卷數之次序,於每小經皆列有經意解說,經文難懂不明處亦列有巴利文或譯成中文,校勘嚴謹,更具有注解詳備、索引齊全之特色。乃佛子直探佛陀本懷之必讀經典。 0,99€ Acheter
Esh Ben Ish Hay iOS Universel / Livres v2.0 Il y a 6 mois et demi Learn Ben Ish Hay with beautiful interface, with search option, and learning program. ללמוד בן איש חי בצורה יפה וברורה, עם אפשרות חיפוש, ותכנית... 3,99€ au lieu de 4,99€ Acheter
Snot & Fluff - A Space Adventure iOS Universel / Livres Baisse de prix v1.2.1 Il y a 6 mois et demi An interactive story for children with features of an adventure game. “Mum, Dad, can I watch a movie?” - how often do we hear these requests. This is where “Snot and Fluff - a Space... 1,99€ au lieu de 2,99€ Acheter
iLovecraft 2 Livre Immersif iOS Universel / Livres v1.0.4 Il y a 6 mois et demi Lisez, écoutez, touchez et déplacez votre appareil et entrez l'historique comme vous ne l'avez jamais fait auparavant. La lecture ne se limite pas à un texte avec des illustrations, elle va... 3,99€ au lieu de 4,99€ Acheter
Bible Audio Français LS 1910 iOS Universel / Livres v2.1.0 Il y a 6 mois et demi Sainte Bible Audio Mp3 et Texte en Français - Louis Segond 1910 Cette application vous donne la possibilité de lire et d'écouter TOUS les livres de l'Ancien Testament et du Nouveau Testament... 3,99€ au lieu de 4,99€ Acheter
An Adventure Of Our Own iPad / Livres v1.7 Il y a 6 mois et demi Description: One of the most vital experiences in a child's life is interactive play. An Adventure of Our Own offers an opportunity for playful reading and back-and-forth exchange through Two... 0,99€ au lieu de 1,19€ Acheter
eBook Maker Pro in English iOS Universel / Livres v1.05 Il y a 6 mois et demi Write an eBook with this app. Great for people who want to be an eBook writer for the first time. ***For more information about eBook Maker in English, Please visit the developer site 5,99€ Acheter
Splash Reader iPhone / Livres v1.13 Il y a 6 mois et demi Welcome to Splash Reader! Splash Reader revolutionizes the way you enjoy digital comics on your Apple Vision Pro. With support for all popular digital graphic novel formats including CBR, CBZ,... 6,99€ Acheter
Constitución Política del Perú iOS Universel / Livres v1.3 Il y a 6 mois et demi ¡Explora la Constitución Política del Perú de 1993 de una manera completamente nueva! Con nuestra aplicación actualizada, sumérgete en la ley fundamental del país con un formato moderno y... 1,99€ Acheter
Molly's Big Day iOS Universel / Livres v1.3 Il y a 6 mois et demi This is not just any school…it’s Clowndergarten! Of course her very best forever friend, Loonette, will hold her hand each day as Molly heads out the door to face a world of adventure. ... 0,99€ au lieu de 1,19€ Acheter
AudioBook Player Pro iOS Universel / Livres Nouveau v1.0.1 Il y a 6 mois et demi Import audio books and start listening! * No ads * No subscription * Full application is at your service. 5,99€ Acheter
CLUE Junior: The Broken Toy iOS Universel / Livres v1.1 Il y a 6 mois et demi Welcome to CLUE Junior: The Broken Toy. Uh Oh! Someone broke one of the toys! It's up to you to uncover which toy is broken, who broke it, and when they did it! Clue Junior: The Broken Toy... 3,99€ Acheter
Greek-English Lexicon to the New Testament iOS Universel / Livres v1.0 Il y a 7 mois This app provides an offline version of Greek Lexicon to New Testament by Thomas Sheldon Green. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge... 2,99€ au lieu de 3,49€ Acheter