PHEM Check iPhone / Medecine v1.0 Il y a 7 mois This app is designed for the use of healthcare professionals. PHEM Check is a prehospital care quick reference app It contains: - Checklists for pre-hospital RSIs and sedation - Major Incident... 1,99€ au lieu de 2,49€ Acheter
Amblyopia Lazy Eye Vision Fine iOS Universel / Medecine v1.8 Il y a 7 mois About Amblyopia Amblyopia, otherwise known as lazy eye, is a disorder of the visual system that is characterized by poor or lack of vision in an eye that is otherwise physically normal, or out... 2,99€ au lieu de 3,49€ Acheter
Basal Body Temp Calculator HD iPad / Medecine v1.6 Il y a 7 mois "Basal Body Temperature (BBT) Calculator" è un programma che aiuta le donne nella scrittura, nella consultazione/comprensione e nell'archiviazione (per consultazioni successive) di diagrammi che... 0,99€ Acheter
Basal Body Temperature Calc. iPhone / Medecine v1.6 Il y a 7 mois "Basal Body Temperature (BBT) Calculator" è un programma che aiuta le donne nella scrittura, nella consultazione/comprensione e nell'archiviazione (per consultazioni successive) di diagrammi che... 0,99€ Acheter
Mobile OMT Upper Extremity iOS Universel / Medecine v3.1.4 Il y a 7 mois Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapy (OMT) for the Upper Extremity is a powerful clinical reference and teaching tool for any student, clinician or educator involved in the practice or the teaching... 22,99€ au lieu de 23,99€ Acheter
Dental Professional iOS Universel / Medecine v2 Il y a 7 mois This is an application that will help you better study human teeth. With a high resolution and the possibility of observing from all angles. Its main functions are: 1.- Equipped with different... 6,99€ Acheter
Ettinger's Factoids iOS Universel / Medecine v1.3.2 Il y a 7 mois Ettinger’s Factoids is the cream of the crop from the latest Ettinger’s Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine (8thedition; 2017). The editors have selected the most instructive, memorable,... 6,99€ Acheter
Swallow Prompt: Saliva Control iOS Universel / Medecine v3.5.0 Il y a 7 mois Swallow Prompt helps people who have difficulty in managing excess buildup of saliva. It helps those with with neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s Disease, Stroke, MND, ALS, Multiple... 0,99€ au lieu de 2,99€ Acheter
董氏奇穴-3D互动版 iPhone / Medecine v1.3 Il y a 7 mois 《3D董氏奇穴》是根据董景昌博士著作的《董氏针灸正经奇穴学》为参考依据开发的一款学习应用,它可以帮助您快速的查找到您想了解学习的3D董氏穴位,应用内包含3D人体模型穴位和精美的二维手绘穴位图,可以清晰的在3D人体模型中快速查看穴位确切位置,并且可以了解穴位的任何信息,包括定位、取穴、解剖、主治、注意说明等文字内容。 “3D董氏奇穴”含207穴位,207张二维手绘穴位图像,每个穴位都有相关的文字解析。应用简明、易用、查找穴位方便快速,并且可以收藏穴位,方便广大中医爱好学者。 本应用一次性付费无内购! 注: 1.此应用程序内部仅作为学习参考使用,用户在使用应用程序包含的信息做医疗诊断之前请咨询专业医生。 2.此程序无广告,不收集任何用户信息 董景昌博士简介 景昌先生素怀菩萨精神,在台湾,多次举办对军公教及贫困民众之义诊,受惠者近十万人次,曾经数度荣膺好人好事代表。并于1971年至1974年间,五度受邀前往高棉为龙诺总统治疗半身不遂,龙诺总统中风后曾赴美就西医治疗数月未愈,返国后复遍求泰国、高棉、香港与台湾的针灸医师多人治疗仍未见效,经邀请景昌先生妙手成春完全治愈龙诺总统的病,并受龙诺总统颁授感谢状,授以‘医学博士学位’,赠予‘军级国防勋章’,并赠予铜制佛像与雕刻大象牙。也因此功在邦交的事迹,而荣获当时台湾的蒋介石总统颁赠最高荣誉状,为中医界获得此项殊荣之第一人,并因此事而举世闻名,斐声海内外。 14,99€ au lieu de 17,99€ Acheter
Chirurgie iOS Universel / Medecine v3.1.4 Il y a 7 mois Chirurgie - Guide pratique de chirurgie générale a été conçu pour répondre aux besoins des chirurgiens, résidents et étudiants en médecine du Québec. L’application est un recueil des... 34,99€ au lieu de 35,99€ Acheter
MD on Call iOS Universel / Medecine v7.1.4 Il y a 7 mois "fantastic for a review when rushing to a consult." -- Casey Park MD on Call is already trusted by thousands of physicians, residents and medical students around the world. We’ve been there; ... 9,99€ au lieu de 11,99€ Acheter
ScolioTrack iPhone / Medecine v5.9 Il y a 7 mois SCOLIOTRACK EST UNE MÉTHODE NOVATRICE ET SANS RISQUE POUR SUIVRE VOTRE SCOLIOSE DE MOIS EN MOIS ◆ Les scoliomètres coûtent normalement 150-300 €. ◆ Invité aux Prix Novateur d'Asie... 22,99€ Acheter
Opticalc Contact Lens Calc iOS Universel / Medecine v2.7 Il y a 7 mois Opticalc Toric Contact Lens Calculator will help you improve your fitting skills when prescribing soft contact lenses. Given a patient's refraction and vertex distance, it will tell you their... 3,99€ au lieu de 4,99€ Acheter
Anesthesiologie medicatie iOS Universel / Medecine v3.0 Il y a 7 mois Klinische anesthesiologie – Medicatie versie 3.0 is het vervolg op de succesvolle anesthesiologieapplicatie Medicatie, die sinds mei 2010 beschikbaar is in de App Store en vele duizenden keren... 12,99€ au lieu de 14,99€ Acheter
STAC Unlimited iPad / Medecine v2.91 Il y a 7 mois The Standardized Touchscreen Assessment of Cognition (STAC) is an automated screening tool that allows therapists and other health-care providers to obtain cursory information about an... 149,99€ Acheter
DentalBR iPhone / Medecine Nouveau v1.0 Il y a 7 mois Dicionário de terminologia odontológica, versão português-japonês (coleção de conversas com exemplos de explicação médica, com frases explicativas para tratamento, com o intuito de... 1,99€ Acheter
DentalEN iPhone / Medecine Nouveau v1.0 Il y a 7 mois Dictionary of dental terminology, English-Japanese version, a collection of conversations with examples of medical explanations, with explanatory phrases for treatment, with the aim of helping... 1,99€ Acheter
Glaucoma Calc iOS Universel / Medecine v2.0 Il y a 7 mois et demi Glaucoma Calc can be used to estimate the risk of a patient with ocular hypertension developing glaucoma within 5 years. The ONLY calculator that lets you enter your field measurements YOUR way.... 2,99€ Acheter
The Difficult Airway App iOS Universel / Medecine v3.2 Il y a 7 mois et demi The Difficult Airway App (v.3.2) The Difficult Airway App™ is an essential tool for clinicians who manage emergency airways in any setting: the ED, ICU, in-patient unit or the many EMS... 5,99€ Acheter
Knibeøvelser iOS Universel / Medecine v2.6.2 Il y a 7 mois et demi Knibeøvelser – træn din bækkenbund er din guide til hvordan du genoptræner og styrker din bækkenbund, efter du har født. App’en er udviklet af fagspecialister, som sikrer dig den helt... 3,99€ au lieu de 4,99€ Acheter