Deja Review Microbio/Immun. 3E iOS Universel / Medecine v1.4 Il y a 11 mois Maximum Retention in Minimal Time! This high-yield, rapid-fire Q&A book simulates flashcards in a book to help you review microbiology and immunology for your course exams as well as prepare... 29,99€ Acheter
This Feeling iPad / Medecine v1.5.6 Il y a 11 mois As its name suggests, This Feeling focuses on exploring feelings and sensations. These are often difficult for children to identify, attribute, understand or describe - either with respect to... 24,99€ au lieu de 27,99€ Acheter
WMSI iOS Universel / Medecine v2.0.1 Il y a 11 mois Welcome to our Left Ventricle Ejection Fraction (LVEF %) Calculator App, designed for transthoracic echocardiography use after a myocardial infarction. What Can You Do with This App? Calculate... 9,99€ Acheter
Tintinalli's ER Study Guide 9E iOS Universel / Medecine v1.2 Il y a 11 mois The long-awaited new edition of the world's most widely used and highly regarded textbook and reference of emergency medicine Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine is THE essential resource for... 229,99€ au lieu de 239,99€ Acheter
Radiology Core: Physics Plus iOS Universel / Medecine v4.3 Il y a 11 mois Premium resource for Radiology Core Exam - Physics preparation. - Comprehensive physics review in all modalities and noninterpretive skills to help make the most of your study time - Over 500... 9,99€ au lieu de 11,99€ Acheter
Atlas of Pediatric ER Med, 3/E iOS Universel / Medecine v1.2 Il y a 11 mois More than 1,000 high-quality clinical images facilitate accurate visual diagnosis in pediatric emergencies “…an excellent addition for any emergency department that has the privilege to care... 199,99€ Acheter
Medical Microbiology, 28/E iOS Universel / Medecine v1.3 Il y a 11 mois Understand the clinically relevant aspects of microbiology with this student-acclaimed, full-color review --- bolstered by case studies and hundreds of USMLE®-style review questions Since 1954,... 99,99€ Acheter
Anatomy Vision iPhone / Medecine Nouveau v1.0 Il y a 11 mois View anatomical models in your living room through your Vision Pro 9,99€ Acheter
KJ Lee's Otolaryngology, 12/E iOS Universel / Medecine v1.3 Il y a 11 mois The field of otolaryngology’s cornerstone text – Essential for board review or as a clinical refresher. Since the first edition was published in 1973, K. J. Lee’s Essential Otolaryngology... 119,99€ au lieu de 129,99€ Acheter
On Call Notes iPhone / Medecine v4.3 Il y a 11 mois NEW UPDATE for iOS8 and later *********************************************** Now adding Quicknote Tagging for easy use in Wards, Hospitals, PLUS ability to move entries around for easy... 0,99€ au lieu de 1,19€ Acheter
Dermoscopy Criteria Review iOS Universel / Medecine v1.5 Il y a 11 mois Dermoscopy Criteria Review – a perfect text for clinicians wishing to learn dermoscopy from world-renowned experts. A comprehensive overview examines the basic terminology and concepts of... 119,99€ au lieu de 129,99€ Acheter
Paediatric Emergencies iOS Universel / Medecine v1.30 Il y a 11 mois ‘Paediatric Emergencies’ provides the healthcare professional with the time critical information they need when treating an acutely unwell child. The application covers the following... 7,99€ Acheter
Baby-Wochen • Alter des Kindes iPhone / Medecine v3.5.0 Il y a 11 mois Wie alt ist Dein Baby? Ständig wird man als Eltern gefragt: "Wie alt ist denn das Kleine?" Gerade bis zum ersten oder zweiten Lebensjahr ist die Frage nicht immer so ganz einfach zu... 1,99€ au lieu de 2,49€ Acheter
Color Blindness Correction iPhone / Medecine v4.0 Il y a 11 mois • What causes color blindness? If you are color blind, you may have asked yourself the question…”What caused me to become colorblind?” Color blindness, also known as a color vision... 0,99€ au lieu de 1,19€ Acheter
Estrategias en Urgencias iOS Universel / Medecine v3.4 Il y a 11 mois et demi Desde que se publicó la primera edición del libro "Estrategias Terapéuticas en Medicina de Urgencias" en 1998, hemos ido ampliando, revisando y actualizando las indicaciones terapéuticas de... 9,99€ Acheter
iResuscitate iOS Universel / Medecine v2.43 Il y a 11 mois et demi Êtes-vous un médecin, un ambulancier, une infirmière, un élève? Êtes-vous chef d'équipe d'urgence ou membre de l’équipe? Vous allez gérer des situations d'arrêt cardiaque dans ou à... 0,99€ au lieu de 1,19€ Acheter
Boger iOS Universel / Medecine v1.0 Il y a 11 mois et demi L'application Boger offre aux utilisateurs la capacité de répertoriser conjointement les symptômes des 3 répertoires de CM Boger :General Analysis (GA), Synoptique Key (SK) et... 34,99€ Acheter
Bone Age iOS Universel / Medecine v2.3.2 Il y a 11 mois et demi Calculate a bone age without using an atlas right there in clinic using the Tanner-Whitehouse method. Both TWII and TWIII references are included, to give 'RUS', 'TW20' and even carpal scores. 8,99€ au lieu de 9,99€ Acheter
DEAN Admin iPhone / Medecine v3.2.2 Il y a 11 mois et demi With over 100 years of EMS, Medical Services, Fire Fighting & IT experience, Blaster Communications Inc. has created DEAN. DEAN is a mobile App designed for both iPhones and iPads. It is... 349,99€ Acheter
Examens du Sang iPhone / Medecine v4.5 Il y a 11 mois et demi Maintenant intégrée avec les versions pour iPad de l'application Examens du Sang pour iPad! Tenir trace de toutes les résultats des examens du sang dans un lieu confortable et toujours... 2,99€ au lieu de 3,49€ Acheter