Tennis Serve Speed Radar Gun By CS SPORTS iPhone / Sports v1.3 Il y a 1 an Brag about your Tennis Serve Speed! Join the 100 mph club! Did you ever wonder how you compare against others, or against professional athletes? Is your Serve as fast as theirs, or at least in... 1,99€ au lieu de 2,49€ Acheter
Solo Dance iOS Universel / Sports v2.0 Il y a 1 an La danse solo est la seule application de danse sur glace solo dans le monde! Sont incluses les vidéos de démonstration du hickory hoedown jusqu’aux danses d’Or, ainsi que les schémas... 9,99€ au lieu de 11,99€ Acheter
Guide Pace iPhone / Sports v1.1.1 Il y a 1 an GuidePace was developed to help mountain guides be more efficient and accurate in their time planning. Time planning is an essential skill in the mountains, whether you are backcountry skiing,... 5,99€ Acheter
学散打 散手 (真人演示图解 视频) iOS Universel / Sports v1.2 Il y a 1 an 散打是散手的俗称,古称相搏,卞、弁、白打、拍张,手战、相散手等,由于徒手相搏相角的运动形式,在台子上进行,又称“打擂台”。散打是中华武术的重要组成部分,是中华民族的传统体育格斗竞赛项目。它把武术套路中的攻防动作拆散开来,根据当时对方的不同情况、特点,任意组合,灵活运用,随情变化,以踢、打、摔为进攻形式,以格挡闪躲为防守策略,猛冲巧打以谋取胜为根本指导思想。 该软件助您掌握泰拳快速入门与实战绝技。包括步法、拳法、肘法、腿法、膝法、摔法的动作要领和动作图解,以及视频。如果你想成为高手吗,不妨学习这世界上凶猛的搏击术吧 离线使用,不用上网也可以使用,速度快,无广告 0,99€ au lieu de 1,19€ Acheter
my11 - Soccer/Football Lineup Formations, Scores & Results iPhone / Sports v3.0.5 Il y a 1 an Create soccer/football formations! Either for your favorite club or your team. You can choose from the most popular formation used professionally. From the 4-4-2 to the 4-3-3, etc. Also adding... 0,99€ au lieu de 1,19€ Acheter
Jagd Saison iOS Universel / Sports v3.3.2 Il y a 1 an *** NEU*** Ab jetzt sind die die Jagdzeiten auch für alle Bundesländer in Österreich hinterlegt! Die App für Jäger: Einfach und schnell die Jagdzeiten für Wild in allen Bundesländern in... 2,99€ au lieu de 3,49€ Acheter
Bike Gear Ratios - Calc Speed,Cadence,Development iOS Universel / Sports v2.0 Il y a 1 an A comprehensive app for all your bicycle gearing needs. The Bike Gear Ratios app provides tables for calculating Gear Ratio, Gear Inches, Development, Cadence at Speed and Speed at Cadence when... 1,99€ au lieu de 2,49€ Acheter
Radio for Seattle Seahawks iPhone / Sports v2.1.1 Il y a 1 an Want to listen to a Seattle Seahawks game but don't have TV or Radio Access? Download Seattle Seahawks Radio to listen to all the Seattle Seahawks Games. 0,99€ au lieu de 1,19€ Acheter
RadarGun-Baseball Pitch Speed iPhone / Sports v2.1 Il y a 1 an It calculates the average and maximum speed of a baseball with great accuracy using video frame-by-frame calculations. It is easy to use and it does not rely on the user’s reflexes to... 2,99€ au lieu de 3,49€ Acheter
学游泳技术训练大全(动作要领 分解动作训练 动画演示 视频) iOS Universel / Sports v1.1 Il y a 1 an 学游泳技术训练大全涵盖全部游泳学习内容,包括基础练习(熟悉水性、呼吸训练、漂浮训练、滑行训练、踩水训练等)、学蛙泳分解训练... 0,99€ au lieu de 1,19€ Acheter
Tlani Golf ScoreCard iPhone / Sports v10.2.1 Il y a 1 an The Best Golf Score Card App for Betting. Tracks Scores, Side Bets, Nassau, Skins, Rabbit, Units, Unlimited Players, Unlimited Rounds of Golf, Yards Scope, Created from Golfers to Golfers. 14,99€ au lieu de 15,99€ Acheter
Starting Line iOS Universel / Sports v1.0.3 Il y a 1 an Any seasoned drag racer will tell you that most races are won at the starting line. Having a good and consistent reaction time is key to winning. To achieve this you need a practice tree... 1,99€ au lieu de 2,49€ Acheter
Club House Trainer iOS Universel / Sports v2.7.6 Il y a 1 an Die Club House-App für das iPhone und iPad ist ein nützlicher Assistent zum Verwalten deiner Fußballmannschaften - Features: • Vereins-, Mannschafts- und Spielerverwaltung • Planne die... 5,99€ Acheter
Gameday for Team Cowboy iPhone / Sports v1.5 Il y a 1 an The fastest way to keep track of all your upcoming events from Team Cowboy. Quickly RSVP for a game, see who else is coming, add an event to your calendar, and see a map to where you're playing.... 1,99€ au lieu de 2,49€ Acheter
WTF Poomsae iOS Universel / Sports v2.0 Il y a 1 an - WTF Poomsae - Is a Great Poomsae app for Beginner (Colored Belt) as well as Advanced (Black Belts). The one of its kind. - The only WTF Taekwondo patterns with full descriptions. From... 1,99€ au lieu de 2,49€ Acheter
TumbleTally iPhone / Sports v2.1.1 Il y a 1 an TumbleTally is a Women's and Men's Gymnastics meet score tracking app. Track your favorite teams and gymnasts and the meets they compete in, with: * An easy to use interface for fast scoring... 3,99€ au lieu de 4,99€ Acheter
Make Ready - The shot timer with a voice iPhone / Sports v1.4.4 Il y a 1 an Introducing Make Ready, the effective, easy to use training tool that will help you improve your performance on the range. It's more than just a shot timer, it's like having an R.O. in your... 9,99€ au lieu de 11,99€ Acheter
Who's On - Soccer iPhone / Sports v2.5.3 Il y a 1 an Who's On-Soccer helps youth-soccer coaches manage who's on the field and who's going on next. It has been developed for the iPhone and iPad with experienced coaches who find managing rotations... 3,99€ au lieu de 4,99€ Acheter
Radio for Chicago Bears iPhone / Sports v2.0.3 Il y a 1 an Want to listen to a Chicago Bears game but don't have TV or Radio Access? Download Chicago Bears Radio to listen to all the Chicago Bears Games. 0,99€ au lieu de 1,19€ Acheter
Pitchman Radar Gun iPhone / Sports v2.7 Il y a 1 an Pitchman lets you accurately measure pitch speed with the camera - it's the only radar gun app to give true MPH. Features include: - Capture high frame rate video (60 FPS on iPhone 5, 120 FPS... 2,99€ au lieu de 3,49€ Acheter