Ettinger's Factoids iOS Universel / Medecine v1.3.2 Il y a 8 mois et demi Ettinger’s Factoids is the cream of the crop from the latest Ettinger’s Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine (8thedition; 2017). The editors have selected the most instructive, memorable,... 6,99€ Acheter
董氏奇穴-3D互动版 iPhone / Medecine v1.3 Il y a 8 mois et demi 《3D董氏奇穴》是根据董景昌博士著作的《董氏针灸正经奇穴学》为参考依据开发的一款学习应用,它可以帮助您快速的查找到您想了解学习的3D董氏穴位,应用内包含3D人体模型穴位和精美的二维手绘穴位图,可以清晰的在3D人体模型中快速查看穴位确切位置,并且可以了解穴位的任何信息,包括定位、取穴、解剖、主治、注意说明等文字内容。 “3D董氏奇穴”含207穴位,207张二维手绘穴位图像,每个穴位都有相关的文字解析。应用简明、易用、查找穴位方便快速,并且可以收藏穴位,方便广大中医爱好学者。 本应用一次性付费无内购! 注: 1.此应用程序内部仅作为学习参考使用,用户在使用应用程序包含的信息做医疗诊断之前请咨询专业医生。 2.此程序无广告,不收集任何用户信息 董景昌博士简介 景昌先生素怀菩萨精神,在台湾,多次举办对军公教及贫困民众之义诊,受惠者近十万人次,曾经数度荣膺好人好事代表。并于1971年至1974年间,五度受邀前往高棉为龙诺总统治疗半身不遂,龙诺总统中风后曾赴美就西医治疗数月未愈,返国后复遍求泰国、高棉、香港与台湾的针灸医师多人治疗仍未见效,经邀请景昌先生妙手成春完全治愈龙诺总统的病,并受龙诺总统颁授感谢状,授以‘医学博士学位’,赠予‘军级国防勋章’,并赠予铜制佛像与雕刻大象牙。也因此功在邦交的事迹,而荣获当时台湾的蒋介石总统颁赠最高荣誉状,为中医界获得此项殊荣之第一人,并因此事而举世闻名,斐声海内外。 14,99€ au lieu de 17,99€ Acheter
ScolioTrack iPhone / Medecine v5.9 Il y a 9 mois SCOLIOTRACK EST UNE MÉTHODE NOVATRICE ET SANS RISQUE POUR SUIVRE VOTRE SCOLIOSE DE MOIS EN MOIS ◆ Les scoliomètres coûtent normalement 150-300 €. ◆ Invité aux Prix Novateur d'Asie... 22,99€ Acheter
Opticalc Contact Lens Calc iOS Universel / Medecine v2.7 Il y a 9 mois Opticalc Toric Contact Lens Calculator will help you improve your fitting skills when prescribing soft contact lenses. Given a patient's refraction and vertex distance, it will tell you their... 3,99€ au lieu de 4,99€ Acheter
Anesthesiologie medicatie iOS Universel / Medecine v3.0 Il y a 9 mois Klinische anesthesiologie – Medicatie versie 3.0 is het vervolg op de succesvolle anesthesiologieapplicatie Medicatie, die sinds mei 2010 beschikbaar is in de App Store en vele duizenden keren... 12,99€ au lieu de 14,99€ Acheter
STAC Unlimited iPad / Medecine v2.91 Il y a 9 mois The Standardized Touchscreen Assessment of Cognition (STAC) is an automated screening tool that allows therapists and other health-care providers to obtain cursory information about an... 149,99€ Acheter
DentalBR iPhone / Medecine Nouveau v1.0 Il y a 9 mois Dicionário de terminologia odontológica, versão português-japonês (coleção de conversas com exemplos de explicação médica, com frases explicativas para tratamento, com o intuito de... 1,99€ Acheter
DentalEN iPhone / Medecine Nouveau v1.0 Il y a 9 mois Dictionary of dental terminology, English-Japanese version, a collection of conversations with examples of medical explanations, with explanatory phrases for treatment, with the aim of helping... 1,99€ Acheter
Glaucoma Calc iOS Universel / Medecine v2.0 Il y a 9 mois Glaucoma Calc can be used to estimate the risk of a patient with ocular hypertension developing glaucoma within 5 years. The ONLY calculator that lets you enter your field measurements YOUR way.... 2,99€ Acheter
The Difficult Airway App iOS Universel / Medecine v3.2 Il y a 9 mois The Difficult Airway App (v.3.2) The Difficult Airway App™ is an essential tool for clinicians who manage emergency airways in any setting: the ED, ICU, in-patient unit or the many EMS... 5,99€ Acheter
Knibeøvelser iOS Universel / Medecine v2.6.2 Il y a 9 mois Knibeøvelser – træn din bækkenbund er din guide til hvordan du genoptræner og styrker din bækkenbund, efter du har født. App’en er udviklet af fagspecialister, som sikrer dig den helt... 3,99€ au lieu de 4,99€ Acheter
Doctor ECG guide & calculator iOS Universel / Medecine v1.3 Il y a 9 mois Doctor ECG is the first app of its kind to combine Augmented Reality technology with your smartphone to allow you to scan any ECG chart and work out all its measurements in a matter of seconds. ... 5,99€ Acheter
小儿推拿按摩-中医药膳食疗手法大全 iOS Universel / Medecine v1.1 Il y a 9 mois 小儿推拿,源自悠久的中国传统医学,是为儿童健康保健和疾病治疗而生的独特疗法。通过精准的手法刺激儿童体表的特定穴位,调节身体机能,增强免疫力,治疗疾病,促进身体健康。其无痛、无创伤、无药物副作用的特性,成为越来越多家长的信赖之选。 儿童处于生长发育阶段,机体各项功能尚不完善,免疫功能亦相对脆弱,容易受到外界环境影响而患病。小儿推拿广泛适用于儿科常见病,如感冒、发烧、咳嗽、腹泻、便秘、厌食等,是首选的治疗方法。 我们的软件详细介绍了80多个儿童穴位和50多种常见疾病的治疗方案,希望为家长们提供更容易掌握的技巧,以达到更好的儿童健康保健和治疗效果。此外,还包含了对应的药膳做法,成为各个家庭防病健身的得力助手。 注意:用户在使用应用程序中包含的信息做医疗诊断之前请咨询专业医生。 1,99€ au lieu de 3,99€ Acheter
Lower6 iOS Universel / Medecine v2.1 Il y a 9 mois et demi An app designed to help type 1 or type 2 diabetics, dieters and healthy people lose weight and or improve their blood sugar profiles by finding foods that taste the same but are healthier to... 3,99€ au lieu de 4,99€ Acheter
Psychological Symptom Analyzer iOS Universel / Medecine v2.0 Il y a 9 mois et demi PSA is an application that helps you diagnose a mental disorder in a new way. You simply have to select the symptoms that are present by tapping on them. When you're done start the Analyzer... 6,99€ Acheter
Fetal Heart Rate 5-tier iPhone / Medecine v4.0 Il y a 9 mois et demi This app is intended for obstetricians, midwives, and nurses who use electronic fetal monitoring (EFM) in laboring patients. In addition to interpreting fetal heart rate (FHR) tracings, health... 7,99€ Acheter
Dog Buddy Pro iOS Universel / Medecine v8.0 Il y a 9 mois et demi Les chiens sont nos meilleurs amis, ils nous apportent tellement de plaisir, de bonheur et même d'histoires émouvantes dans notre vie quotidienne. Dog Buddy est une application indispensable... 1,99€ au lieu de 2,49€ Acheter
EMDDx iPhone / Medecine v1.01 Il y a 9 mois et demi From common chief complaints such as chest pain and abdominal pain to palpitations and epistaxis, EMDDx enables you to keep a strong differential diagnosis in the palm of your hand. 9,99€ au lieu de 11,99€ Acheter
Glasgow Coma Scale - Calc iOS Universel / Medecine v1.2 Il y a 9 mois et demi The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) is a neurological scale aiming to provide a reliable, objective way of recording the conscious state of a person, both for initial and continuing assessment of the... 6,99€ Acheter
Colourful Consultation iOS Universel / Medecine v2.0 Il y a 9 mois et demi This app enables veterinary surgeons working in the UK to shortlist the 3 most common causes of the most common symptoms in dogs and cats 1,99€ au lieu de 2,49€ Acheter