iOS Universel / Productivité
All your stuff in one simple, visual place. Completely private and 100% ad free.
Organize links, photos, videos, documents, audio, and text notes into visual collections. You control the privacy. Keep your content to yourself, invite colleagues, or go public. Each collection has its own sharable shortlink, accessible on the web.
Work privately or invite your team to view and collaborate. Share your work with clients, skipping email noise and social media clutter. No sign up or downloads required for invited guests.
Use the Share Extension or drag and drop items to and from your favorite apps.
Keep the conversation in one spot. Gather feedback, recommendations, and suggestions from those you invite, right within Dropmark. Then discuss and stay update with your team from the same place.
Requires a free Dropmark account.
Terms of Use: https://dropmark.com/terms/
Quoi de neuf dans la dernière version ?
ENTERPRISE - iPhone and iPad
New features for enterprise include improved permissions support, so the wrong items never get deleted *phew*
Bug fixes and improvements include better handling of account deletion.