KirchenZeitung Bistum Aachen iOS Universel / Actualités v5.0.1 Il y a 1 mois Die KirchenZeitung für das Bistum Aachen informiert Woche für Woche rund 100.000 Leserinnen und Leser über das kirchliche Leben in der Diözese und darüber hinaus. Geschätzt werden ihre... Gratuit Obtenir
酉阳发布 iPhone / Actualités v2.3.8 Il y a 1 mois 酉阳发布手机客户端,是基于智能手机上的移动应用程序,以本地资讯服务为基础,整合本地新闻、政务公开、公共服务、周边查询等资讯内容为网民提供更为便捷的服务;支持个性化订阅、高速浏览、社会化媒体分享、活动参与、一键导航等功能,在现有基础上提高了政府的影响力,降低了用户服务门槛,扩大了政务的服务范围和服务对象,提升了整体政务服务的互动性、便捷性,拓展了政府服务渠道,全方位满足了各个层次用户需求,增加了用户体验度及粘合度,使更多人可以更便捷的获取政府服务信息。 Gratuit Obtenir
群众新闻 iPhone / Actualités v6.0.15 Il y a 1 mois 群众新闻App是陕西日报为推进融合发展,扎实走好全媒体时代群众路线,不断提升传播力、引导力、影响力、公信力而打造的新闻客户端。群众新闻App前身是2014年上线的掌中陕西App,2020年6月30日更名,将以权威新闻资讯和便捷生活服务为目标,关注群众、服务群众,向群众学习、为群众讴歌。 关注群众 服务群众 Gratuit Obtenir
冀时 iOS Universel / Actualités v4.0.31 Il y a 1 mois 好听、好看、好精彩。以省内新闻资讯、视频直播点播为主,汇集衣、食、住、行等本地生活化服务功能。... Gratuit Obtenir
Riverine Herald iOS Universel / Actualités v7.4 Il y a 1 mois Discover the stories that matter with the Riverine Herald’s app today. The app is free to download and brings together everything you need in one place. From the digital replica of the... Gratuit Obtenir
Eyewitness News iOS Universel / Actualités v3.0.4 Il y a 1 mois Get first-hand accounts and thought-provoking content from the EWN team of local and international journalists. You heard it first from EWN. What can you expect in the app: All the latest... Gratuit Obtenir
Frutiglaender iOS Universel / Actualités v82 Il y a 1 mois Der Frutigländer bringt die aktuellen News und Inserate aus den Berner Oberländer Gemeinden Adelboden, Aeschi, Frutigen, Kandergrund, Kandersteg, Krattigen und Reichenbach aufs Internet,... Gratuit Obtenir
WBHM Public Radio iOS Universel / Actualités v6.2.23 Il y a 1 mois The Official WBHM Public Radio App: The WBHM Public Radio App allows you to listen to WBHM live, pause and rewind the live audio, and view the program schedule for WBHM all at once! You can... Gratuit Obtenir
Samayam Telugu - Telugu News iPhone / Actualités v6.3.0 Il y a 1 mois Samayam Telugu by Times Internet is a Telugu news app offers the Latest Telugu News, Breaking News from Andhra, Headlines in Telugu, Movie Reviews in Telugu, Cinema News, Tollywood 2020 Box... Gratuit Obtenir
Diário do Grande ABC - Digital iOS Universel / Actualités v3 Il y a 1 mois Tradição, credibilidade e imparcialidade marcam o jornalismo ágil e moderno do Diário. Fundado em 11 de maio de 1958, tornou-se olhos, ouvidos e voz dos moradores das sete cidades do Grande... Gratuit Obtenir
Sistema FAEP iOS Universel / Actualités v0.2.99712 Il y a 1 mois O Sistema FAEP/SENAR-PR disponibiliza este aplicativo para facilitar o acesso às mais variadas informações e serviços aos produtores rurais. O aplicativo reúne uma série de recursos como... Gratuit Obtenir
AgriMedia iOS Universel / Actualités v6.0 Il y a 1 mois Digital Agri Media is Gujarat's & India’s most trusted organization for Indian agriculture especially for farming community i.e. Kisan, Khedut, Pashu palak, Gramvasi and Ikisan. This is a true... Gratuit Obtenir
Digi24 iOS Universel / Actualités v2.11 Il y a 1 mois Aplicația Digi24 aduce utilizatorilor ultimele știri pe plan local și internațional, alături de cele mai importante subiecte ale zilei. Poți urmări postul TV Digi24 direct din aplicație,... Gratuit Obtenir
高知新聞電子版 iOS Universel / Actualités v1.0.13 Il y a 1 mois 高知新聞のニュース、速報、フリーペーパーや紙面をiPhone/iPadでご覧いただける公式アプリです。紙面イメージを高精細な表示で閲覧できます。 ... Gratuit Obtenir
App La Nucía iOS Universel / Actualités v1.8.3 Il y a 1 mois La App La Nucía es una aplicación móvil desarrollada por el Ayuntamiento de La Nucía, con el fin de ayudar al ciudadano. En esta sencilla aplicación de fácil manejo podréis encontrar los... Gratuit Obtenir
UIT 2025 iPhone / Actualités v4.1.429 Il y a 1 mois De Utrechtse Introductie Tijd (UIT) is de algemene introductie voor alle aankomende studenten die in Utrecht gaan studeren. Met onze app ben je helemaal ready voor de UIT-week! Je vindt hier je... Gratuit Obtenir
Cambridgeshire Live iOS Universel / Actualités v9.4.0 Il y a 1 mois Get the very latest from Cambridge, with breaking news as it happens, sport updates, traffic alerts, and all the latest what's on in your area. Completely customisable, the Cambridge News app... Gratuit Obtenir
Dublin Live iOS Universel / Actualités v9.4.0 Il y a 1 mois Get the very latest from Dublin, with breaking news as it happens, sport updates, traffic alerts, and all the latest what's on in your area. Completely customisable, the Dublin Live app allows... Gratuit Obtenir
Bristol Live iOS Universel / Actualités v9.4.0 Il y a 1 mois Introducing Bristol Live: Your Ultimate Bristol Experience Welcome to Bristol Live, your go-to app for all things Bristol! Immerse yourself in a world of local news, entertainment, events, and... Gratuit Obtenir