Alan Belgique Assurance Santé iPhone / Medecine v1.380.0 Il y a 2 jours Alan est le partenaire santé qui prévient, assure et accompagne au quotidien. Nous permettons à nos 500 000 membres d’agir sur leur santé physique et mentale, en alliant le meilleur de la... Gratuit Obtenir
HAT Hygiene Audit Tool iOS Universel / Medecine v2.0.20 Il y a 2 jours For Infection Prevention & Control Professionals and Quality Managers in Healthcare Mobile APP that is activated after user-account log-in (requires paid subscription) Record hand hygiene... Gratuit Obtenir
Shezlong iPhone / Medecine v2.8.6 Il y a 2 jours Shezlong is the first online psychotherapy platform in Egypt and the MENA region. It brings online psychological therapy to anyone who struggles with the daily battle of their own mind. Shezlong... Gratuit Obtenir
CairoScan iPhone / Medecine Nouveau v1.0 Il y a 2 jours CairoScan is a smart tool to keep patients engaged with their health care service providers, in which, the patient can schedule new visits , track his/her appointments and keep track of his... Gratuit Obtenir
DAWI iPhone / Medecine v1.0.43 Il y a 2 jours About DAWI - A platform that allows online access to the medical sectors, connecting them to you. We connect you to the best professionals in Kuwait. DAWI helps maximize your reach by... Gratuit Obtenir
Christian Hypnobirthing iOS Universel / Medecine v14.9.1 Il y a 2 jours "With God all things are possible" (and that includes an amazing birth!) - Matthew 19:26 Using Christian Hypnobirthing, thousands of women around the world have experienced easier, more... Gratuit au lieu de 5,99€ Obtenir
Benefit Assistant iPhone / Medecine v3.0.24 Il y a 2 jours С приложението на ARS Bulgaria настоящите клиенти на компанията ще имат възможност бързо и лесно: - да се... Gratuit Obtenir
tEXAM 2 iPad / Medecine v1.2.9 Il y a 2 jours Mit tEXAM können sichere und zuverlässige summative Prüfungen durchgeführt werden. Als Teil des UCAN Prüfungsverbundes können Klausuren mit Hilfe des Item-Management-Systems (IMS)... Gratuit Obtenir
TNOA iOS Universel / Medecine v2025.0.02 Il y a 2 jours The official app of the annual Conference of The Tamil Nadu Ophthalmic Association - TRICON – 70th Annual Conference of the TNOA, Trichy Gratuit Obtenir
永和耕莘醫院掛號APP iOS Universel / Medecine v1.5.2 Il y a 2 jours 永和耕莘醫院秉持天主教會醫院使命,以愛主愛人、四全照護的理念,連結永和區23萬民眾及其他弱勢團體之需求,積極發展多元醫療及服務,以建構全方位健康照護網絡。 永和耕莘醫院掛號APP提供門診預約掛號、取消掛號及看診進度查詢健康記錄等功能。 Gratuit Obtenir
广东云医院医生端 iPhone / Medecine v100.0.2 Il y a 2 jours 广东云医院医生版专为医生量身定制,帮助医生完成在线问诊、诊后随访、患者管理、线上开药等诊疗服务,提高执医工作效率。本应用与医院HIS系统连接,有助于将患者从线下引导至线上管理,培养属于自己的患者粉丝圈。工作时间自由,碎片化时间合理利用,提升个人价值,获得合法收入。 【特色功能】 图文问诊:支持在线图文问诊,问诊价格自主设定 复诊续药:线上复诊,开电子处方,患者购药到家 医生协作:转诊会诊,线上即可进行 诊后随访:随时随地关注患者动态 优质患者:疑难杂症,等你解答 患者宣教:一键发送患教文章,简单快捷 【广东云医院】 广东云医院汇聚广东省众多三甲公立医疗资源,为公众提供预约挂号、健康体检、专家问诊、复诊续药、健康科普、名医直播、慢病管理、临床研究等个性化医疗服务和全流程的健康管理服务。 【已接入医院】 暨南大学附属第一医院(广州华侨医院),中山大学附属第六医院,南方医科大学南方医院,汕头市中心医院,广州医科大学附属第二医院,中山大学附属口腔医院,广东省第二人民医院,深圳市人民医院,广东药科大学第一附属医院,南方医科大学第三附属医院等数十所甲等医院 我们的每一次进步,都离不开您的关注和支持,有任何疑问和建议,可关注官方微信、QQ群进行反馈~ 【联系我们】 官方网址: 官方微信:微信搜索 “广东健康”,关注公众号 意见反馈:QQ群626910741 客服电话:4008933900 Gratuit Obtenir
BreatheSmart iPhone / Medecine v3.11.1 Il y a 2 jours Contrôlez vos soins respiratoires grâce à l'application BreatheSmart®. BreatheSmart accompagne les personnes souffrant de troubles respiratoires tels que l'asthme ou la broncho-pneumopathie... Gratuit Obtenir
Deadline - Watch your Life, Make it Count iPhone / Medecine v1.5 Il y a 2 jours *Deadline uses statistical information to show an estimated age, but of course no app can really accurately predict lifespan--there are just too many variables! Consider this a way to motivate... Gratuit Obtenir
Orientate - Pain Management iOS Universel / Medecine v1.8.0 Il y a 2 jours Orientate”, is a Laterality Recognition Program that forms part of a Graded Motor Imagery, a rehabilitation program based on clinical trials to treat pain and movement problems. Laterality... Gratuit Obtenir
BME Bharat iPhone / Medecine v2.1 Il y a 2 jours BME Bharat app is your gateway to the fascinating realm of biomedical engineering. Whether you are an aspiring biomedical engineer, a medical healthcare professional, or just a curious individual... Gratuit Obtenir
OnlineCare Emcura Doc iOS Universel / Medecine v3.471 Il y a 2 jours Emcura doctor App provides clinical care communications and care coordination within your network of doctors, specialists, patients and other care providers like, nurse practitioners, nurses,... Gratuit Obtenir
Paragonix iOS Universel / Medecine v5.1.1 Il y a 2 jours The Paragonix App provides real-time, centralized, secure coordination for transplant teams including pairing with the Paragonix organ transport systems to share organ status with the entire... Gratuit Obtenir
DocBuddy iOS Universel / Medecine v3.3.4 Il y a 2 jours DocBuddy is an elegant solution to wasted time documenting and accessing medical records. It's like having a personal assistant at your call and always at your fingertips. Gratuit Obtenir
Calarity iPhone / Medecine v7.1.0 Il y a 2 jours Calarity is an innovative AI-enabled SaaS ambient digital scribe platform that enables clinicians, students, and patients to listen, to learn, and to care for each other. By recording,... Gratuit Obtenir