Fitness Challenge Tracker iPhone / Forme et santé v2.9 Il y a 22 jours People who wear an Apple Watch get a new Fitness challenge every month. When they beat that challenge, a beautiful collectible badge is awarded inside the Fitness app. Are you into collecting... 0,99€ Acheter
Timeshare Calc Pro iPhone / Finance Baisse de prix v4.1 Il y a 22 jours Timeshare Platinum Calc is a specialized calculator for timeshare sellers. Become a closer in less time. With a suitable interface for you, it gives you the help you need to get your data in a... 9,99€ au lieu de 12,99€ Acheter
Ghost Science M3 iPhone / Divertissement Baisse de prix v7.2.3 Il y a 23 jours Open the door to the paranormal with © GHOST SCIENCE M3, the pinnacle of ghost-hunting technology. The culmination of over a decade of research and development, © GHOST SCIENCE M3 offers... 9,99€ au lieu de 14,99€ Acheter
元相·机 iPhone / Photo et vidéo v11.95 Il y a 23 jours 元相·机(Fi48)和元相·光影(Fi48Mono)是按纪实摄影师的工作需求进行设计的专业备用相机,所以一经推出就广受好评。(其实已经成为很多摄影师的主力相机) 单手简洁操作,深度模拟的专业胶片可以快速调换,实时48种参数调整让你随心掌控,这一切都以“拍摄”为设计目标,而非其它的。 依靠开创性的图形引擎,摄影师在进行随手的日常创作中不用再遵从“拍摄——后期”的流程,而是“用自己创造的专业胶片直接拍摄”。 Fi48不是一款后期软件,同时它也不是一款简单的只有一两个可控参数的滤镜相机。Fi48的图像引擎可以帮助摄影师对相机的色彩和光影进行如Ps或Lr一般的专业调整,而且是在相机上实时呈现。这在目前是开创性的。 Fi48是一台专业口袋相机外挂了一座实时胶片实验室。你可以创造自己的胶片,无论是深度模拟酷爱的经典胶片,还是那些社交媒体里的精彩配色,当然也可以创造你自己的无限可能。当那些景象出现在眼前,只需轻轻点击快门,那个带有“你的色彩”的照片就会被轻松记录下来。这样确实改变了摄影的传统流程,让日常摄影创作更加直接和惬意。 更妙的是Fi48可以帮助你轻松分享你的调色给朋友,并从他人那里获得无限的胶卷。这也是开创性的新玩法。在实验室中一键制作胶片二维码或字符串密钥就可以轻松实现。 Fi48主要面对日常摄影和纪实摄影领域。“拍摄舒适度”是Fi48始终的第一追求。只有炫酷的UI或者繁多的功能而没有舒适可靠的操控,在纪实摄影中都是不合格的相机。 所以,Fi48“单手操作”的交互和“不打扰”的UI都为此目标进行了细致入微的考量。众多用户长时间实际操作并反馈意见,日常摄影中的99%的操作需求都会信手拈来。 在Fi48上可以单手点击对焦、上下滑动曝光补偿、左右滑动zoom并自动更换镜头、长按锁定曝光和焦点等。还有一个可移动的快门按钮,可以根据你握持手机的姿势和手指长度,挪到你“最舒服”的位置。这些充满了细节思考的设计,最为摄影师真心喜爱。 也因为这些操控,Fi48的拍摄界面上可以保留极少的元素。在手机摄影上,影像已经所见即所得,专注于光影构图即可,其它都非必要。这就是Fi48“不打扰的UI”。 同时,Fi48仍然难能可贵的保留着极小的体积(约4M左右)。运行流畅并在任何网络条件下安装都会非常迅捷。 Fi48系列直接把拍摄好的照片或视频保存在系统相册中。没有在App内部重构一个空间,所以不需要把照片导入导出。这样摄影师可以在系统相册中用最熟悉的方式进行照片的整理或分享等任务。 Fi48在几年时间里进行了多次大大小小的版本升级,这些升级大多是去解决摄影师在实际使用中的问题和困扰,同时也不断优化自带的几十款胶片。用户可以用这些深度模拟的胶片作为模版来创造自己的胶片。 Fi48将会一直努力,在摄影师的相机收藏柜里再增加一个新玩法。为摄影师的纪实摄影或日常摄影提供最简洁舒适却又专业控制的拍摄方式。 3,99€ au lieu de 4,99€ Acheter
DMV CA Appointment iPhone / Voyages Baisse de prix v1.2 Il y a 23 jours A Convenient Tool for Booking DMV Slots in CA This application offers an easy and efficient way to find available appointment slots at the DMV for updating your documents. - No more waiting in... 0,99€ au lieu de 9,99€ Acheter
Know Your Mind iPhone / Education v3.0 Il y a 23 jours What is mind? How is your every action start, control and finish? You may also have these kinds of questions. All of these are the jobs of a magician called "mind". Do you like to know your... 2,99€ Acheter
TREE Snow Festival Jan 2025 iPhone / Jeux v1.1.0 Il y a 23 jours Pairs of T&M have gathered!! The fighting match to go for a good harvest!! This year, Almo, Mond, Potato and Jagaimo have newly appeared! Nacchan, other pairs, Yuki-chan and Suno-kun are here,... 2,99€ Acheter
Toyota App! iPhone / Shopping v1.0 Il y a 23 jours 10000+ OBD-2 Diagnostic Trouble Codes special for TOYOTA: • Detailed diagnostics trouble code information • Title, "Possible causes", "When is the code detected?", "Possible Symptoms" and... 5,99€ Acheter
Camera Heart Rate Variability iPhone / Forme et santé v5.0.9 Il y a 23 jours Camera Heart Rate Variability is the first app that lets you record, plot and export time and frequency domain Heart Rate Variability Features - without requiring any heart rate monitor. Camera... 7,99€ Acheter
Gas Manager iPhone / Sports v3.0.1 Il y a 23 jours Gas management for iPhone and iPod touch. Gas Manager includes various tools for planning and blending diving gases, including nitrox and trimix partial pressure blending, top off and best mix... 2,99€ au lieu de 3,49€ Acheter
DrumCoach 4 iPhone / Musique v1.2.7 Il y a 23 jours Welcome to the DrumCoach for Latin! DrumCoach, the no. 1 for drummer! With this, you'll own them all. Powered by: Pearl, Paiste, Alesis, Numark, Agner Sticks, Drums&Percussion, DrumXound,... 1,99€ au lieu de 2,49€ Acheter
drumcoach 1 iPhone / Musique v1.2.7 Il y a 23 jours Welcome to the DrumCoach for Jazz, Blues, Soul, Gospel, Rock'n'Roll, Country, Klezmer & Shuffle. DrumCoach - the no. 1 for drummer. With this, you'll own them all. Powered by: Pearl, Paiste,... 1,99€ au lieu de 2,49€ Acheter
Groundwire: VoIP SIP Softphone iPhone / Productivité v5.12.35 Il y a 23 jours Acrobits Groundwire: Elevate Your Communication Acrobits, a leader in UCaaS and communication solutions for over 20 years, proudly introduces the Acrobits Groundwire softphone. This top-tier SIP... 9,99€ Acheter
SimplePlayPro iPhone / Productivité v1.0.4 Il y a 24 jours SimplePlay Pro is a professional-grade video playback controller designed for live events, presentations, and broadcast environments. With its intuitive dual-monitor interface, you can preview... 59,99€ Acheter
Svátkomat - Kdo má svátek? iPhone / Style de vie v1.3.0 Il y a 24 jours Se Svátkomatem už nikdy nezapomenete popřát svým známým - přehledně Vás informuje, kdo má zrovna svátek. Díky widgetům a aplikaci pro Apple Watch budete mít svátky vždycky po... 1,99€ au lieu de 2,49€ Acheter
SpotiApp - export music iPhone / Utilitaires v2.2 Il y a 24 jours SpotiApp will download your playlists from Apple Music, Deezer, Google, Youtube and other popular music applications to Spotify. START: - go to any service that has a playlist you need; - take a... 0,99€ au lieu de 1,19€ Acheter
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Face Your Fears iPhone / Jeux Nouveau v1.0 Il y a 24 jours Face Your Fears – A fun entertaining phobia game Step into your fear, take control, and turn anxiety into confidence. Face Your Fears is an immersive game designed to challenge your fears in... 22,99€ Acheter
Cold Shower Timer iPhone / Forme et santé Nouveau v1.0 Il y a 24 jours Simple & Effective Cold Shower Timer Take the plunge with our super simple cold shower timer. No distractions—just convenient timers to help you stay consistent with your cold shower routine. ... 0,99€ Acheter
TransitVanLevel iPhone / Voyages Nouveau v1.0 Il y a 24 jours TransitVanLevel is a leveling app for Ford Transit-based campervans. This app handles long and short Transit wheelbases, and it can also be customized for any RV. This app shows how much lower... 1,99€ Acheter