Delta Chat Desktop macOS / Réseaux sociaux v1.50.0 Il y a 3 jours Delta Chat is a decentralized and secure messenger app that is completely compatible with the existing e-mail infrastructure. So, with Delta Chat you get the ease of well-known messengers with... Gratuit Obtenir
Scratch macOS / Education v3.29.1 Il y a 3 jours With Scratch, you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations. Scratch helps young people learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively —... Gratuit Obtenir
Aqua nAgent macOS / Photo et vidéo v2.0.26 Il y a 3 jours - Proxy Server 기반 암호화 컨텐츠 재생 기능 - 0.6 ~ 2.0 배속 재생 기능 - 플레이어 기본 기능 (재생/일시중지/볼륨조절/화면 확대/반복 기능) -... Gratuit Obtenir macOS / Economie et entreprise v1.0.39 Il y a 3 jours is the Work OS that powers teams to run processes, projects, and everyday work their way. Make your shared workspace and join 100,000+ teams who get more done, together! ... Gratuit Obtenir
OCR from image or pdf - Tessa macOS / Productivité v1.8 Il y a 3 jours Tessa extracts text from your image or PDF documents, processing each page multiple times to optimize recognition, so that the time you spend in proofreading and correcting mistakes is minimized.... Gratuit Obtenir
Screen bricks macOS / Sports v12.0 Il y a 3 jours Arrow Left/Right = Move Left/Right Arrow Down = Speed Down Arrow Up = Rotate Right Spacebar to Pause Gratuit au lieu de 0,99€ Obtenir
苦练英语听力 macOS / Education v12.0 Il y a 3 jours 从小学、中学到大学,一直在学英语,可始终难以突破,也不能满足日常与工作的需要。直到有机会集中时间和精力,刻苦学习了几个月的时间,英语听力才有了质的飞越和突破。如今,许多年过去了,能力虽有下降,但依然能够满足日常与工作的需要,比如央视英语新闻以及大型新闻发布会上英语翻译的语音,仍能听懂80%到90%,还在继续享受多年前苦练的成果。 当年,我是怎么苦练英语听力的呢?过程尤其简单,学习目的也很单纯。当时,就是希望能提高听力,来满足工作和日常交流之需。在众多的教材中,我选择了最古老、也是最经典的新概念英语第二册和第三册,作为基础,一课一课的听,反反复复的听,前提是在听之前,绝对不看原文,避免听之前先入为主!这一点尤其重要。一个单词,在书上你可以把它认出来,但不一定能把它听出来!也许,听几遍,也只能抓住个别的单词,别放弃,也千万别急忙去查看原文,继续听,直到只有个别单词没听出来,也就是基本上听懂了,才能看看原文,把个别单词查出来,再听出来!为什么特别强调不能看原文,因为新概念教材,尤其是第二册和第三册,其实是很简单的,相信看书的话,你能理解整篇短文。所以,听出来才是最重要的。我这样坚持了大约6个月的时间,基本上每天听懂一课,有时候,也能多听几课。忽然,有一天,打开电视,找到央视英语频道,结果听懂了!那个开心呀,无法形容了!我认为,作为一个交流工具,英语听力达到这样的水平,就完全够用了! 当年练习时,用磁带录音机,没有现在这么好的条件。《苦练英语听力》也是根据自己的学习体会而编写的。内容包括新概念英语第二册和第三册的全部原音和原文。以听懂每一课为目的,每课均设有5级自我主观评定,第1级--基本没有听懂,第2级--听懂个别单词,第3级--听懂几个短语,第4级--基本上听懂了,第5级--全部内容听懂。当你将第二册96课,第三册60课,主观评定都在4级以上时,我相信你的听力会有质的突破,并享用终身! 加油! Gratuit Obtenir
General Calculator macOS / Productivité v13.0 Il y a 3 jours General Calculator, and Expression Evaluator,simplicity and functionality, both basic Calculator and Scientific Calculator. Degrees and Radians calculations. Wrong number edit. Keep... Gratuit au lieu de 0,99€ Obtenir
Classic snake final macOS / Sports v18.0 Il y a 3 jours Standard rules: Eat foods, grow longer and fatter. Score: = Basicscore x Level x Length Slow Level = 1 Normal ... Gratuit Obtenir
Quick Camera macOS / Utilitaires v1.5 Il y a 3 jours Quick Camera is a utility to display the output from any supported USB web cameras. Quick Camera can be used for video conferences or presentations where you need to show an external device to... Gratuit Obtenir
Youdao Translate macOS / Références v11.1.0 Il y a 3 jours 【网易有道词典桌面端】正式改名为【网易有道翻译】 ——比强大更强大的翻译生产力工具,让你的电脑瞬间变身AIPC ... Gratuit Obtenir
QQ macOS / Réseaux sociaux v6.9.63 Il y a 3 jours #新不止步,乐不设限# Mac QQ全新升级,轻盈灵动的视觉设计,全新的夜间模式,连续互通能力,享受更纯净、便捷、有趣的沟通体验。 ... Gratuit Obtenir
n-Track Studio DAW macOS / Musique v10.2.81 Il y a 3 jours n-Track Studio est un puissant enregistreur multipiste audio et MIDI qui transforme votre Mac en un studio d'enregistrement et un Beat Maker complet. Enregistrez un nombre pratiquement illimité... Gratuit Obtenir
My Smart Budget macOS / Finance v21.2 Il y a 3 jours Perds-tu parfois la vue d'ensemble des écritures électroniques ou répétitives qui sont encore prélevées sur tes comptes ? Dans cette application de comptabilité budgétaire, tu peux... Gratuit Obtenir
Measure your chess macOS / Sports v12.0 Il y a 3 jours Learning to spot mates is the simplest way to improve your chess and win more games. Players often miss opportunities involving unusual mates because it's easy to overlook something that is... Gratuit Obtenir
Photo Sense: Editor & Manager macOS / Photo et vidéo v3.5.2 Il y a 3 jours Photo Sense — Smart Photography Workflow App Streamline your photo workflow with Photo Sense, designed for photographers who want fast, effective image selection, editing, and management... Gratuit Obtenir
MouseBoost macOS / Utilitaires v3.6.2 Il y a 4 jours "MouseBoost" packs over 30 handy utilities. With a right-click, you can access various features to boost your productivity. Personalize the right-click menu for your needs, whether you're a... Gratuit Obtenir
Alluja WebSockets macOS / developpeurs v1.5 Il y a 4 jours A simple utility to test WebSocket servers. Features: - Custom headers and protocol - Simultaneous connections Gratuit Obtenir
Disk Master macOS / Utilitaires v2.3.0 Il y a 4 jours Disk Master is an application that is all about internal and external disks. The app lists all of your disks in a lightweight window. You can also display each disk in the menu bar as a separate... Gratuit Obtenir
WebP Converter. macOS / Graphisme et design v5.2.24 Il y a 4 jours An unlimited Batch converter for HEIC, PNG, JPG (and much more!) to WebP without upgrading. An Unlimited Batch converter for WebP to PNG (to JPEG is enabled by upgrading). Add a watermark with... Gratuit Obtenir