Poster Puzzles
iPad / Jeux
Can you rebuild these fascinating posters? Like a jigsaw puzzle but each piece is a cut-out piece of the poster which needs to be put back into the right place. 112 poster puzzles available to play immediately!
Simple drag and drop interface that works for adults and children. A simple tutorial on "How To Play" is included. Puzzles in each pack start easy and get harder the more you do.
Puzzles range from easy (solve in a few minutes) through to very hard. But don't worry, your placed pieces are automatically saved so you can do the puzzle over several sessions. You can also turn on and off useful guides like outlines or a ghost image depending on how hard you want it to be. And if some pieces are too small, just turn on the Auto-Zoom feature.
Can you earn all the achievements?
The puzzles show posters both old and new. Subjects include advertisements for operas, shows and products, movies, space posters from NASA and historical war-time posters. Once a puzzle is completed you can explore a zoomed in version to learn more.
All poster images have been chosen to be family friendly .
An uncluttered puzzle solving space lets you be in the moment as you work through the puzzle at your own pace.
Works on your iPads and Macs. In-App purchases of puzzle packs are shared between your devices and you can easily enable synching up Puzzle completion progress between them. Start of one device and finish it on another.
• Included: A range of posters from Operas, Movies, War-time and Product Advertising - 1800's & 1900's.
• Pack 1: NASA Space puzzles including their "Exoplanet Travel Bureau" series that provide a whimsical look at planets recently discovered orbiting far off stars.
• Pack 2: Travel to beautiful Italy.
• Pack 3: Posters of America from the 1890's to the 1940's.
• Pack 4: Advertising Posters from late 1800's and early 1900's.
• Pack 5: Posters of Japan from the 1910s and 1930s.
• Pack 6: Covers from 14 of the 1925 editions of the 'New Yorker' magazine.
• Pack 7: Aerospace posters from the start of flight to vacations on Mars.
Quoi de neuf dans la dernière version ?
All in-app purchases removed. Every pack is now ready to play!