SiP coffee finder
iPhone / Cuisine et boissons
About SiP:
With SiP, you won’t miss great coffee. SiP connects you to specialty coffee from local to all over the world, at the right moment. In SiP, useful information about the coffee shops including the business hours, location, social media are taps away. SiP team commit to be the best up-to-the-minute coffee guide that makes it simple yet clear for all people who are in search for great coffee at that time in that right place.
有了SiP, 你將不再與美味咖啡擦肩而過. SiP讓你在對的時間, 幫你接軌全世界的在地精品咖啡. SiP以最少的點擊, 讓你掌握店家的營業時間, 地點, 以及社群媒體. SiP團隊已成為全球最佳即時咖啡嚮導為己任, 讓所有的咖啡同好能夠透過簡單便利的方式, 找到鄰近的那杯精品咖啡.
Key feature:
Specialty coffee at the palm of your hand | 精品咖啡, 垂手可得
SiP provides a map of specialty and independent coffee shops recommended only from your local coffee enthusiastic. You will always be able to find good coffee near you.
SiP提供由在地的咖啡愛好者, 所推薦的獨立精品咖啡店地圖, 你將不再與美味咖啡擦肩而過.
Business hours at a glance | 三種圖示, 一目瞭然
When the coffee pot is full, great cups are waiting. The empty pot means not brewing now, and the pot half full, you gotta hurry.
SiP中的三種咖啡壺圖示, 代表不同的店家營業狀況. 咖啡壺滿滿表示新鮮的咖啡正等著你. 空的咖啡壺表示現在該店並未營業. 而半滿的咖啡壺, 表示該店即將在一小時內結束今天的營業, 要喝要快!
Everything in just the fewest taps away | 周全整合, 無需切換App
SiP integrates information from address, phone, social media to business hours all in one page, don’t need to switch apps back and forth. All information you need is only a few taps away.
SiP整合所有關鍵店家資訊, 從電話地址營業時間, 甚至Facebook, Instagram及官方網站皆齊全. 無需在應用程式間切換, 所有的資訊SiP都有.
Enrich your travel with specialty coffee using Time Travel | 計畫旅行變得輕鬆豐富
Breakthrough design that changes the way you make travel plans. With time travel mode, finding good coffee for your travel or on-the-go is simple and intuitive.
Time Travel模式將改變你計畫旅行的方式, 視覺化地呈現選定的時間地點, 該地區咖啡店的營業狀況. 你將不再撲空或是苦苦等待, 旅行變得輕鬆豐富.
Customizable list view | 你的清單你決定
Favorites, checked, and pocket list, three customizable lists to keep your life well-organized!
舉凡你想去的, 去過的, 喜歡的, SiP都幫你記得. 喝咖啡就該如此愜意.
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