SentTo - UK Postcode Sales Map
iOS Universel / Economie et entreprise
Keep track of your business sales with this UK postcode sales map app featuring 124 postcode areas. This easy to use, customisable app will generate your map based on the post code areas you have selected.
Choose from 21 colours to colour your map the way you want it.
Feeling in a sharing mood? You can export your map to share it where you want.
No more losing your printed, hand coloured map, you can now access your postcode sales map directly from your phone.
Quoi de neuf dans la dernière version ?
- Added Map Title to Map Page to show visual cue for which map is in use
- Added Map Title to Sales Page to show visual cue for which map is in use
- Removed ability to click on same pages that the user is currently on.
- Added the ability to edit map names and lock the map data
- Validation Changes for adding map and editing to prevent empty map names
- Confirm prompt added to prevent accidental deletion