English Grammar in 30 Days
iOS Universel / Education
|| Muni Pungav Shree 108 Sudhasagaraya Namah: ||
This app is designed for students who want to learn English Speaking in a short span of time.
For students, we collected 5000+ most commonly used English sentences and translated them into Hindi.
Students can quickly learn English speaking by practicing daily Hindi to English translations.
In our app, We have also added audio descriptions of all chapters for English learning students to learn English step by step.
Topics Covered in the app & Quiz:
1. Greetings, Apna Apni & Exclamatory Words (नमस्कार, अपना अपना और विस्मयादिबोधक शब्द)
2. Quote of the day (दिन के उद्धरण)
3. Fruits Name (फलों के नाम)
4. Vegetable Name (सब्जियों के नाम)
5. Technical word (तकनीकी शब्द)
6. Spice/utensils/Food Grains (स्पाइस / बर्तन / अनाज)
7. Antonyms and Synonyms (विलोम और समानार्थक)
8. Today Proverbs (आज नीतिवचन)
9. Important Words (महत्वपूर्ण शब्द)
10. Vocabulary (शब्द संग्रह)
11. Conversation (बातचीत)
12. SMS and online chat Abbreviations (एसएमएस और ऑनलाइन चैट संक्षिप्त)
13. Smileys Meaning (स्माइलीज अर्थ)
14. Common Mistakes To Be Avoided (आम गलतियों को टाला जा सकता)
15. English Improving ,Tips of the day (अंग्रेजी में सुधार, दिन की टिप्स)
16. Use of Had Better
17. 1000 Most Common Phrases
18. 1000 Most Common Misspellings with "A"
19. 1000 Difference Between American & British English
20. Common Grammar Mistakes in Spoken English
21. The Most Often Mispronounced Words with "A"
22. Test (परीक्षण)