iOS Universel / Jeux
Once downloaded, all of your game data is local, no internet required. Each game play scores are stored on your device and linked to your game Name and game ID number.
The Feudal Archery 30A game added the option to choose either Erica or Eric your Archer avatar and other graphics assets.
Feudal Archery Gen2A takes the game to a new level with;
•More complex infinite terrain, trees and some ground cover
•Improved graphics including “look around” camera, on screen help button, pause button and more
•Your Archer has a horse to ride and explore the terrain looking for targets
•Your Archer’s horse’s stamina is monitored and Ranches are located throughout the terrain
•When arrows are out, find new arrows and restock
•When targets are full they disappear – look for new targets
•All targets and buckets of arrows are in different locations at game start
•Achieve the Rank of Archer from Novice and Master from Archer while earning badges along the way
Archery Gen2A is fun for the whole family with each gamer using their individual logins and competing for Rank, badges and total game score (stored and advanced with each play)
Feudal Archery Gen2A takes the archery game to a new level