Braille Writer Student
macOS / Education
Braille Pad Student is a word processor for Braille. It can handle Unified English Braille (UEB or UEBC), Grade 1 (uncontracted) and Grade 2 (contracted) Braille.
Please note the keys are configured in the menu item Window | Configuration. If your keyboard does not normally support all 6 keys being pressed at once, you can configure one of the keys to be a shift key (example shift, z,x,b,n,m for the 6 dots).
Because this app uses a special braille font, you can email the text to people with no special software (as in ⠠⠺⠑⠇⠉⠕⠍⠑ ⠞⠕ ⠠⠃⠗⠇ ⠠⠏⠁⠙).
Braille Pad Pro was designed to be helpful for sighted people working to learn Braille. You can load, edit, save, email, and print files. BraillePad Pro natively supports files in the popular .DXB format. Files can be opened in BraillePad Pro directly from web links or from your email. There are many resources on the web that have complete Braille books that you can download for free directly into the app.
We have included an in-app dictionary that allows you to look up the Braille letters, numbers, symbols, and contractions by English or by Braille. This is NOT a dictionary of every word in English converted to Braille, rather it is a complete listing of the symbols and combinations of symbols you may find in a Grade 2 Braille document. The dictionary shows each of the multiple meanings where applicable (see screen shot for example). The dictionary currently does not support UEBC, if you have interest in seeing this added, please drop us an email.