Prego OB Wheel
iOS Universel / Medecine
Quick, accurate, easy-to-use obstetrical date calculator and patient tracker designed and developed by family physician Dr. Émilie Coudière, MD. Calculate pregnancy dates from LMP, ultrasound, conception, or EDD. Determine gestational age as of any date. Track pregnancies and postpartum patients.
• Pregnancy dates from LMP, ultrasound, conception, or EDD.
• Patient's gestational age as of today.
• Gestational age on future date — i.e. How many weeks will my patient be on June 15th?
• Date of future gestational age — i.e. When will my patient be 28 weeks?
• Patients' dates by simply adding a name.
• Add quick notes to patients — i.e. Rh, GBS, GTPAL, etc.
• Add delivery date to track postpartum patients.
• Previously saved patients.
• List of upcoming deliveries.
• List of postpartum patients.
That's it. One screen. Super simple. Enjoy!
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* Terms of use are available at https://jeffreyfulton.ca/obwheel/terms
Quoi de neuf dans la dernière version ?
You can now select how trimester end dates are calculated by tapping the current calculation and selecting a new one. Special thanks to Kelli B. for helping us see the need for this feature.
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