Without Ice
iOS Universel / Météo
Ice Forecast calculates based on various Weather data whether e.g. your car is frozen over on the next morning or not. Calling weather data and calculating is made online.
Displaying weather data:
- City
- Weather data: e.g. Freezing Rain, Rain, Snowfalls, cloudy...
- actual Temperature
- Humidity
- Min. Temperature
- Dew/Frost point
The calculation will be done on a Server and considers the actual weather situation and Temperatures. At this the dew point plays an important roll. For that read the article on wikipedia. The best forecast for the next morning you get at the evening, means before 00:00 o'clock. There are 3 steps of the Forecast (freezing, no freezing, Probability 50%). The background picture will be adequately changed. At snowfalls virtual snow flakes are falling. After weeks of testing and comparison with reality, the calculation is relatively precise. Anyway it can happen in particular cases, that the forecast differs. Also if your car is in the Garage or near a (warm) House then the Forecast is not applicable.
- City
- Temperature in °C or °F
More features:
- Button for updating data
- 4 Day Weather Preview with additional data
Quoi de neuf dans la dernière version ?
- Update for iPhone 4,5,6,7,8,X,11,12,13,14, iOS/ipadOS 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16
- Add an Apple Watch App (included or as single App)