Big Day Lite - Event Countdown
iPhone / Utilitaires
Are you looking for widgets to track your events? Here is the widget app to help you see your events on your Home Screen at a glance.
Are you bored with the other countdown or day tracking apps which have only text, small images? We have a totally different and unique app with full graphics and animation effects.
Or are you tired of too complicated user interfaces with other apps? We have an easy-to-use app focusing on the basics.
Big Day is a day tracking app and widget which tells you the remaining days until or starts counting the days after the event with your own photos. It is the simplest and the most beautiful way to track your big days.
- Widgets on your home screen.
- No annoying ads banner.
- Select your own pictures for the background.
- Share your big day on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or other social apps.
- Set notification date and time to get an alarm.
- Change color theme by double-tapping the counter frame.
When to use Big Day :
- Your wedding day, valentine's day, the first date, birthday, anniversary, the birth of your children and baby, holiday, meeting, trip, party, vacation, discharge, exam, days of quitting smoking, graduation, halloween, new year, thanksgiving and all of the other very important days of your life.
Contacts/Downloads :
To contact us or download some sample photos in the screenshot, Please visit at http://bigdayapp.com/
* Big Day Lite is a free version. You will have all the features and animation effects if you UPGRADE TO FULL VERSION of Big Day. SEARCH 'BIG DAY' in App Store!
The full version of Big Day offers to :
- Support multiple dates and events.
- More rich animation effects and graphics.
- Reorder and sort each event.
Quoi de neuf dans la dernière version ?
Thanks Big Day Lite users! This update includes WIDGETS for the new iOS 14 and some improvements.
If you like Big Day Lite, please take the time to give us a warm review. It really helps. :)