GoGoAnime & 9ANIME
iOS Universel / Divertissement
Keep track of what you’ve been watching with a few swipes and taps. Want to update your list quickly? Swipe to the right to add an episode/chapter. Don’t care about that anime/manga anymore? Swipe even further to remove it!
Organize your anime and manga lists!
View details of your favorite anime and manga in a stunning user interface. When something was aired, if it’s still in publication, plots, characters, recommendations: it’s all the information you could ever want about a particular anime or manga. Drill down to see what people thought of a series, and see if you agree or disagree. You can also check out the characters and their voice actors, and find even more series by your favorite seiyuu.
Disclaimer : the app is only for tracking Anime, Manga and finding new manga & Anime, This app does not stream any anime.
Quoi de neuf dans la dernière version ?
What's New :
- Bugs fixed in details for each anime.
- Performance Enhancement
- Increased data to search for anime