Word Count Notes
iOS Universel / Economie et entreprise
Cette appli est un bloc-notes simple avec comptage des mots/caractères.
Super Simple Notes app with Word/Character counter!
It is a useful tool if you make drafts of social media such as Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.. or, writing school reports, novels, speech manuscripts...
*It is Simple and has Good functionalities*
- You can import/export files with Clouds (e.g. iCloud, Dropbox, etc)
- PDF Creation
- Printing
- Text to speech
- Dark mode
- Local Backups
This app is supporting multi-languages!
Do you know how to say "Word Count" in multi languages?
English - Word Count
Japanese - 文字数カウント
Chinese (Simplified) - 字数
Chinese (Traditional) - 字數
Korean - 문자수
Russian - Количество слов
Portuguess - Contagem de palavras
Italian - Conteggio parole
French - Nombre de mots
German - Wortzahl
Spanish - El recuento de palabras
Finnish - Sanamäärä
Turkish - Sözcük sayısı
Swedish - Antal ord
Arabic - عدد الكلمات
Dutch - Aantal woorden
Polish - Contagem de palavras
Thai - การนับจำนวนคำ
Greek - Καταμέτρηση λέξεων
Vietnamase - Số từ
Hindi - शब्दों की गिनती
Czech - Počet slov
Danish - Word Count
Norwegian - Ordtelling
Hungarian - Szavak száma
Catalan - Nombre de paraules
Croatian - Brojanje riječi
Hebrew - ספירת מילים
Romanian - Număr de cuvinte
Slovak - Počet slov
Ukrainian - Підрахунок слів
Indonesian - Jumlah kata
Malay - Count Word
Quoi de neuf dans la dernière version ?
Fix a crush bug on iOS 14