ANP l'agenda del dirigente
iOS Universel / Education
"ANP The Manager's Agenda" is an app designed and built by the ANP National Association of Public Managers and High Professionalism of the School, in collaboration with the Spaggiari Parma spa Group, for the provision of services aimed at all members.
Through the APP, it is possible to consult the Manager's Agenda with the relevant forms and schedule, be made aware of the most important initiatives of the ANP, access related services such as, for example, those made available by Italiascuola.it for subscribers.
Furthermore, the APP is used to report other contributions of interest from qualified sources (for example, reports of jurisprudence through the LexForSchool service), to support the training and coaching courses organized by ANP and Dirscuola Scarl, also on the occasion of insolvency procedures. for the selection of new school managers.
Quoi de neuf dans la dernière version ?
We're always making changes and improvements to the app.
To make sure you don't miss a thing, just keep your Updates turned on.
This version includes:
- Login: ora è possibile muovere il cursore nei campi
- Annotazioni: inserita dialog di conferma prima della cancellazione
- Login: il campo username/email ora è più tollerante all'errore