Flashcards INGOAMPT German B1
iPhone / Education
1000 flashcards for B1 German Exam token from trusted material for B1 exam.
Each Flashcard show an image which first alphabet of the German word is on it and the color of the image is based on Der Die Das article.
If the flashcard is verb is black and white and it show all times of that verb.
Each Flashcard has one example and pronunciation ( backside of the flashcard tap to see )
Learn German Language
Învață germană, Naucz się niemieckiego, تعلم الألمانية, Изучай немецкий, یادگیری زبان آلمانی, Apprends l’allemand
This application supports 7 languages: English, Polish, French, Romanian, Farsi, Arabic, and Russian.
A picture is worth a thousand words. This app uses professional imaging techniques to help you learn German words more easily and quickly. The German words and their articles will stick in your mind thanks to the use of images. We use three colors—pink for "Die", blue for "Der", and green for "Das"—to visually link the image to the correct article. Each image also displays the first letter of the German word to strengthen memory retention.
Additionally, each word comes with its pronunciation and an example sentence with translations, so you can practice German effectively. You can also interact with the flashcards: swipe left if you don't know the word (the card will repeat in the stack), and swipe right if you know the word (the card will be removed from the stack). Don't worry, you can reset all the cards when you're done.
This app uses the latest SwiftData technology, making it smoother and faster. If you leave the app, you can continue where you left off.
Swipe Left: If you don't know the word, the card will repeat. (The card turns red when you swipe left.)
Swipe Right: If you know the word, the card will be removed. (The card turns green when you swipe right.)
Tap: Click on any card to flip it and click the speak button to hear the pronunciation and a German sentence example.
English: Learn German Words very fast with Imaging Techniques
Polish: Naucz się bardzo szybko niemieckich słów za pomocą technik obrazowania.
French: Apprenez les mots allemands très rapidement avec des techniques d'imagerie.
Romanian: Învățați cuvinte germane foarte repede cu tehnici de imagistică.
Farsi: با تکنیکهای تصویرسازی به سرعت کلمات آلمانی یاد بگیرید.
Arabic: تعلم الكلمات الألمانية بسرعة كبيرة باستخدام تقنيات التصوير.
Russian: Изучайте немецкие слова очень быстро с помощью визуализационных техник.
You can use the app for free with banner ads. To remove ads forever, swipe all cards right and click the paywall button to make a one-time payment of 0.99 euros. If you prefer the free version with ads, simply reset the cards to go through the flashcards again.
The idea of the app is the exclusive property of INGOAMPT and is protected by international copyright laws and treaties. All rights reserved. This app is designed for iPhone only.
#LearnGerman #GermanLessons #GermanLanguage #SpeakGerman #GermanCourse #GermanVocabulary #GermanGrammar #GermanforBeginners #GermanPractice #GermanTutor #LearnGermanFree #BestGermanLearningApp #GermanLanguageApp #GermanLearningGames #EasyGermanLessons #GermanPhrases #GermanPronunciation #GermanListening #GermanSpeakingPractice #GermanFlashcards
Quoi de neuf dans la dernière version ?
Only added a introduction to show how the app wok
Only changed the design and color of paywall
Ads is removed as well.
App Name only changed to : Flashcards INGOAMPT German