HowSpeak - 60s Japanese Lesson
iPhone / Education
44 60-second Japanese language lessons on how to speak Japanese well.
"Don't worry if you are not good at speaking."
Experienced professional announcers will teach you the secrets to making your speeches, presentations, and communications easier,
The secret to making your speech, presentation, communication, and everything else easier is taught by speaking in Japanese.
*A rough translation of the English text will be shown.
-- Lesson List --
About the content
Ch.1 Tips for Overcoming Nervousness
1. It's Okay to Be Inexperienced!
2. Should You Write a Manuscript?
3. Thorough Preparation
4. Finding the Right Amount of Tension
5. Seeking Nodding Listeners
6. Speaking to Yourself
7. What Should You Talk About?
8. Summoning Courage to Speak Up First!
9. Speaking with Confidence
10.The Power of Smiling
Ch.2 Basic technique
1. Proper Mouth Opening
2. Articulation Exercises
3. Abdominal breathing for voice
4. Controlling Voice Volume
5. Timekeeping
6. Time Management
7. Practicing Free Talk
Ch3. Tips for communicating
1. Visualizing Imagery
2. Personal Stories Are Powerful
3. Emphasizing Important Points
4. Speaking in One's Own Words
5. Avoiding Complex Vocabulary
6. Speaking at a Moderate Pace
7. Keeping Sentences Short
8. Omitting Unnecessary Details
Ch.4 Preventing incoherence
1. Avoiding Superficial Knowledge
2. Focus on One Main Idea
3. Keeping Track of the Main Message
4. Using the PREP Method
5. Establishing a Conclusion
Ch.5 Prevent failure
1. Not Seeking Praise
2. Avoiding Just Trying to Be Funny
3. Staying Humble Despite Experience
4. Understanding the Audience's Perspective
5. Valuing Sincerity
6. Ending on a Positive Note
Ch.6 Manners
1. No Excuses Necessary
2. Being Considerate to Everyone
3. Avoiding Boasting
4. Continuously Learning Language
5. Basics of Honorific Language
Ch.7 Finally
1. Internal Language Processing
2. About Communication
3. Lifelong Learning