Mind the Gap – Guess Words in English Texts
iPad / Education
Améliorez votre anglais tout en jouant! Mind the Gap vous donne une sélection de 500 textes sélectionnés à la main. Dans chacun des textes de l'application supprime les éléments des mots. Votre tâche est de remplir les fragments manquants. Ce qui semble facile à première vue peut être assez difficile. Pendant que vous jouez votre compréhension globale de l'anglais constructions linguistiques améliore. Le mode Arcade à l'épreuve vos compétences multitâche. Il vous permet de combler les lacunes dans les proverbes Englisch sous la pression du temps. Il est un défi - et son plaisir!
––––– The above text was translated by Google Translate,
––––– so please excuse or enjoy funny grammar mistakes
––––– Here comes the original description in English
Have you ever solved a crossword puzzle in context?
You are just looking for a high-quality time killer app? You want to work on your natural feel for language.You want to prepare for an English exam. No matter what Mind the Gap offers an exciting platform for language lovers and word nerds.
Take an interesting and authentic English text and erase parts of words. In Mind the Gap you have to reconstruct the missing fragments.
Sounds easy – it isn‘t!
You won‘t believe how difficult this is!
Take the challenge and see how far you can get.
The texts include interesting trivia from all parts of culture, science and life.
Mind the Gap offers a natural and instinctive way for you to improve your language skills.
It is at the same time a word game and a learning app with over 500 texts covering interesting facts and trivia from all parts of culture, science and life.
Language is way more than vocabulary and grammar! It‘s understanding in context.
Challenge yourself under time pressure in the Arcade Mode and complete damaged idioms, proverbs and common sayings. This will definitely demand your multitasking skills.
Mind the Gap is an offspring of the well-known educational initiative science-to-touch, which already launched the popular science and art app iOrnament which is rated five stars on many app stores.
Have a fun time improving your English and knowledge with this interactive language game.
Mind The Gap offers a whole range of features:
LARGE DATA BASE - 15 subject areas with over 500 texts on different levels
FEEDBACK- feedback and statistics on your results
DICTIONARY - look up unfamiliar words in the dictionary
PREPOSITION MODE - gap prepositions only (on iPad)
AE vs. BE - choose between American and British English
HINTS - integrated hints and rewards
STATS - individual stats covering your progress
ARCADE MODE - fill gaps in proverbs and sayings
POWER UPGRADE - unlimited access to hints, the arcade mode and user-defined layouts
Quoi de neuf dans la dernière version ?
Apple a mis à jour cette app afin d’afficher l’icône de l’app Apple Watch.
* Color themes are stored now.
* Enhancements for keyboard usability
(if you still encounter any difficulties with the keyboard feel free to contact us directly)
* Minor fixes