Mbanking for iPad”
iPad / Finance
UniCredit iPad App
Our popular iPhone app is now enhanced for the larger screen and increased capability. The full gesture navigation and smart payment box are easy-to-use and offer a simple way to make payments. Best of all, the app offers services for everyone, regardless of whether they are a UniCredit client or not. This iPad optimized app is free to download.
All app users will have access to the following features:
Interactive tutorial
ATM and Branch finder
Current currency rates
Currency converter
Banking contacts
For UniCredit Clients:
The unique, gesture-based navigation takes advantage of the iPad’s functionality by performing all interactions with the app through simple gestures rather than menu access. Swipe right to view assets and incoming transactions and left to view liabilities and outgoing transactions. Need to make a payment? Tap and pull down from anywhere in the app. Still need a menu? A pull up menu provides 1-click access to all of the functions you need.
Smart Payment Box
Finally, a smart payment box that is easy to use! Select to whom the payment is to be made and from which account the payment will be withdrawn. The FastPay icon completes payments at lightning speed with no hassles. The app is fully synchronized with your Internet banking templates to avoid confusion. The interactive search tool finds payments and recipients quickly and easily.
Bank notifications will be delivered directly to your personal in-app mailbox. Press “notifications” to keep up-to-date with critical information.
Mobile Token for Internet Banking
Mobile token will generate single-use passwords for login and signing Internet banking transactions
Built in QR code scanner included to sign Internet banking transactions
UniCredit m-banking aplikacija za iPad uređaje
Sve funkcionalnosti koje su do sada bile dostupne putem e-banking servisa UniCredit Banke, sada ih možete koristiti i na vašem iPad uređaju. Aplikacija koja je jednostavna za korišćenje omogućava pristup banci u bilo koje vreme, kao i mogućnost plaćanja bez obzira na to gde se trenutno nalazite.
Aplikaciju za iPad uređaj možete preuzeti besplatno.
Ono što našu aplikaciju čini posebnom je i to što određene funkcionalno mogu da koriste ne samo klijetni banke, već i oni koji to nisu. Naime, svi korisnici aplikacije, će imati pristup sledećim funkcionalnostima:
• Interaktivno uputstvo
•Lokacije najbližih ekspozitura ili bankomata
•Kursna lista
•Konvertor valuta
U par lakih poteza se možete kretati kroz aplikaciju. Prevucite ulevo da proverite uplate, a udesno da proverite plaćanja. Želite da izvršite plaćanje? Prevucite preko ekrana za plaćanja, a ukoliko vam je ipak potreban Meni, jedan klik vas vodi do svih funkcija koje su vam potrebne.
Jednostavno plaćanje
Izaberite primaoca i sa kog računa želite da izvršite plaćanje. Kreirane prečice za već definisane šablone putem e-Bankinga ili m-Bankinga omogućavaju brzo i jednostvano plaćanje. Opcija Pretrage omogućava brzo i lako pronalaženje izvršenih platnih naloga i primalaca.
Odabirom opcije „Zvono“, možete da proverite sanduče u koje vam stižu sva važna obaveštenja koja banka šalje.
Mobilni token za Online Banku
Generišite lozinke za prijavu i potpisivanje
Skenirajte QR kodove za potpisivanje
Quoi de neuf dans la dernière version ?
This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon.
Nova verzija aplikacije za mobilne uređaje je brža i donosi vam nove funkcionalnosti što će vam omogućiti da bolje vodite svoje finansije, u još sigurnijem okruženju.
New version of application for mobile devices is much faster and it brings new functionalities that will help you to better manage your finances in even more secured environment.