UBank by Unibank
iOS Universel / Finance
Manage your bank products:
•Real-time information about cards, accounts, loans, deposits
•Add cards of other banks
•Order a card with delivery to your address
•Order and instantly receive a Digital Card right in the app
•Statements on cards and accounts
Payments and transfers:
•Utility bills
•Government payments
•Unibank loan payments
•Loan payments of other local banks
•Transfers to Unibank cards/accounts
•Transfers to cards of other local banks
•Fast Money Transfers
•Creating templates for payments and transfers
•Car payments and car transfers
Additional Information:
•Operations history
•Card transaction notifications
•Location of branches, ATMs, payment terminals
•Currency rates
•Currency converter
•Live chat with representatives of the Bank
Bonuses are issued for the following types of operations:
•Making payments and quick money transfers
•Connect to u’Walk. uBank uses Healthkit to promote healthy lifestyle on its platform.
•Invite friends
Earned bonuses can be exchanged for free coupons in partner networks
Quoi de neuf dans la dernière version ?
Keşbek Premium mərhələsi və daha rahat köçürmələr – UBank-da səni gözləyir!
Artıq Premium mərhələsində:
-Yüksək keşbek faizləri – Azpetrol 8.5%, Trendyol 6.5%, Araz market 6%, digər istiqamətlər 0.5%
-Premium mərhələyə özəl keşbeklər – Azal 5%, Temu 10%, Push30 10%
Köçürmələri isə daha da rahat etdik!
İndi kart məlumatlarını bir dəfə daxil edərək, növbəti köçürmələr üçün yadda saxlaya bilərsən. Beləliklə, hər dəfə 16 rəqəm daxil etməyə ehtiyac qalmır – köçürmələr daha sürətli və rahat olur.
Tətbiqi yenilə və yeni üstünlüklərdən faydalan!
Cashback Premium Level and easy Transfers – Now in UBank!
Now at the cashback Premium level:
-High cashback rates – Azpetrol 8.5%, Trendyol 6.5%, Araz Market 6%, other categories 0.5%
-Exclusive cashbacks for Premium users – Azal 5%, Temu 10%, Push30 10%
We've also made transfers even easier!
Now you can save your card details after entering them once, so you don’t have to enter the 16 digits every time. Transfers are now faster and more convenient.
Update the app and enjoy the new benefits!