Gym Hero Pro
iPhone / Forme et santé
Over 10.000.000 workouts logged with Gym Hero so far! Making it one of the hottest fitness tracker in the app store!
No more getting lost in long lists of workouts and exercises! Log your routines and keep track of your progress. Select sets, weight and repetitions in seconds. Gym Hero's simple structure doesn't distract you and will guarantee an optimum usage while working out. It is completely customizable which makes Gym Hero a must have for ambitious fitness junkies.
- Workout statistics (total weight/reps/sets/workouts over time and for every muscle group), total/average workout time and more!
- exercise database with over 290 exercises
- Stretch and rest timer
- Autofill of every set of the last workout
- Data export (CSV)
- iCloud backup
- health kit support
- Easy to use: Single thumb friendly
- Create and save an unlimited number of routines
- Create and save an unlimited number of exercises
- Workout summary (total weight, reps, workout time etc.)
- Online locker browser extension (track & analyze your workouts in the browser on fitty.co)
- Share workouts: Facebook, Twitter and Runkeeper integration
- Email feature: Share workouts with personal trainers, clients or friends
- Apple Health sync: the calorie burn of your workouts are synchronized with Apple Health (activate in Gym Hero settings)
Quoi de neuf dans la dernière version ?
- FIX: you can change the exercise name by tapping the title
- FIX: some of you were getting errors when opening the statistics, that should be a thing of the past
- FIX: muscle groups are assigned automatically for known exercises
- FIX: in app purchases are properly activated (use the "restore" function in the training plan section)
Decimal fix? Coming right up in the next update! As always, we welcome you to come chat with us at https://gymhero.me/community