Ghost Train
macOS / Jeux
How many trains can you keep running at the same time?
Trains will move around the track, change the junctions on the track to alter each trains path, the aim is to stop the trains from crashing into each other, it’s annoyingly addictive.
Two game modes:
Game mode A -
Automatically adds a new random train every 30 seconds. Be careful, as the longer you play, more trains will be added to the track, try not to crash!
Game mode B -
Allows you to add trains when you choose, this is great when going for a high score!
In-App Purchases -
Extra levels are available as In-App Purchases within the game.
Three train types -
Red haulage train - the slowest
Green train - average speed
Blue train - speed demon
-Some trains move faster than others
-Tap the junctions to change the tracks
-You cannot change tracks whilst a train is over a junction