Mausam Info
iPhone / Météo
Mausam Info
An easy & simple, yet useful weather app.
- Get current, hourly, daily and weekly weather forecast for your city.
- Get details like sunrise, sunset, chance of rain, humidity, pressure, cloud cover, wind speed, moon phase etc.
- Temperature converter to convert between Celcius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin, Rankine, Reaumur, Romer, Delisle & Newton units.
- Share your weather condition with friends.
- Customize home page with beautiful backgrounds.
Quoi de neuf dans la dernière version ?
- App Updated for latest iOS version.
- Bug Fixes.
Thanks for using Mausam Info app. We appreciate your feedbacks. If you have any feedbacks, issues or any queries please send us via 'Send Feedback' section in app. Your feedbacks will help in making Mausam Info even better app. Also if you like the app, please rate & write us the review in Appstore.