Swedish Coordinates
iPhone / Navigation
NOTE!!! This app can ONLY be used for coordinate conversions in SWEDEN!!!
"Swedish Coordinates" provides:
- Fast and easy conversion between:
SWEREF 99 TM – RT90 – WGS84
- See the location on the map.
- Send the SWEREF 99 TM or RT90 position via e-mail or iMessage/SMS.
All details:
This is an easy to use converter for coordinate transformation between WGS84 (decimal degrees) and the two most common grids used on Swedish topographical maps:
- SWEREF 99 TM - which now is standard on official Swedish maps, e.g. "Terrängkartan" and "Fjällkartan"
- RT90 ("Swedish Grid") - which was previously used on Swedish maps
"Swedish Coordinates" show your current position in any of the three supported coordinate systems (the two grids + WGS84).
It also provides a map view where you can see the position that you have entered.
The map is based on Google Maps™. The following map modes are supported: Regular map, satellite, hybrid and terrain.
A position (either the GPS position or a manually entered position) can be exported by sending it as an e-mail or an SMS (iMessage). Included in the message is both the position (expressed in SWEREF 99 TM or RT90) and a map link (Google Maps) that the receiver can open on any computer or smartphone. (Only positions within Sweden can be sent.)
"PRO Add-On"
NOTE! This requires an in-app purchase!
If you upgrade to the "PRO Add-On", you will get these extra features:
- Paste coordinates from e-mail and other apps.
- Transfer coordinates directly to navigator apps on the same iPhone.
- Share coordinates in new ways.
- More map features, e.g. moving the map pin with your finger.
- More lat/long formats.
- 12 local projections for SWEREF 99 (SWEREF 99 12 00, etc.)
- 6 local projections for RT90 (RT90 7.5 gon W, etc.)
A more detailed description of the "PRO Add-On" is available within the app.
Google Maps is a trademark of Google Inc.
Quoi de neuf dans la dernière version ?
Some minor improvements.