R Analyst
iOS Universel / Productivité
R Analyst is a R language engine that can execute R code in devices directly(do not require to connect to a backend server), the buildin pacakges:utils,methods,graphics,grDevices,stats,grid,lattice,nlme,MASS,rpart,splines,cluster,foreign,parallel,spatial,survival,boot,stats4,KernSmooth,nnet,tools,class,zoo,lmtest,gridExtra,tseries,quadprog,mvtnorm,multcomp,Hmisc,rms,psych,GPArotation,gof,Matrix,arules.
Include a code editor for R language, can type help command to show help document, keyword auto-complete/highlight
limitation: cannot install package.
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Quoi de neuf dans la dernière version ?
bugs fixed.