Sasol eBirds South Africa LITE
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Try this sample LITE version of Sasol eBirds Southern Africa before you purchase the full app. This LITE version includes 30 species and showcases the functionality you would find in the full app. HOW WILL THIS APP HELP YOU? •Try this free version of Sasol eBirds Southern Africa before you buy it•Full functionality of the complete app so that you can see how the features work•Includes 30 of the 989 bird species found in Southern Africa•Updated information with fresh input from new contributing authors•All species text in English AND Afrikaans•Quick-Play bird calls from the menu •Includes illustrations and photographs•Distribution maps updated with latest known ranges•Expanded life list functionalityTHE AUTHORS Ian Sinclair is one of Africa’s foremost field birders and has authored or co-authoredover 20 bird books.Phil Hockey (1956–2013), former Director of the Fitz Institute at UCT, was arecognised authority on the biology of southern African birds.Warwick Tarboton is a well-known bird expert and writer who has produced anumber of well-received books.Peter Ryan is Director of the Fitz Institute at UCT and has authored several bookson the region’s birds.Niall Perrins is a dedicated birder, photographer and bird guide.Dominic Rollinson holds a PhD in seabird conservation and works as a bird guide.JOIN OUR GROWING COMMUNITYIf you’ve got a few comments or great suggestions to share, we’d love to hear from you at www.mydigitalearth.comADDITIONAL NOTES* Uninstalling/reinstalling the app will result in the loss of your list. We recommend that you keep a backup from the application (My List > Export).