iPhone / Réseaux sociaux
HICH is a fun social polling app where you can give and get opinions on absolutely anything!
Create Your Own Polls!
Got a burning question you desperately need answers to? Create an image, text, or video poll, type your question, and post your poll to our global community - or a custom audience. Then sit back and watch the votes roll in!
Share Your Opinions!
Love giving your input on trending topics and helping others make decisions? HICH has hundreds of thousands of polls just waiting for your vote! Simply pick your favourite options, tap-to-vote, and instantly see how others voted.
Make Friends!
The HICH community is packed full with awesome people from all over the world who love sharing their opinions and connecting over their favourite subjects. Follow, get followed, and direct-message the people who inspire you the most!
Earn Rewards!
HICH is all about celebrating our most genuine members! When you engage positively and cast thoughtful votes, our system recognises it and rewards you. The best part? You can cash out HICH Coins via PayPal.
Quoi de neuf dans la dernière version ?
Bug fixes and improvements