iPhone / Shopping
SidelineSwap is where athletes buy and sell their gear.
Shop new and used sports equipment up to 70% off – everything from hockey skates and golf clubs to lacrosse sticks and baseball gloves.
Sell in minutes – snap a photo, set a price, and receive a prepaid shipping label when the item sells. Cash in on last season’s gear, or list that old bike - or pair of skis - cluttering your garage.
Join the leading marketplace for athletes. Buy and sell with hundreds of thousands of SidelineSwap users across the world.
Quoi de neuf dans la dernière version ?
"If you fail to prepare, you’re prepared to fail." - Mark Spitz
• Shop SidelineSwap’s picks for Best Sellers, New Releases, and Rare Finds
• Customer experience enhancements, including clearer messaging and safeguards
• Various bug fixes and improvements