Control Panel
iPad / Utilitaires
Control Panel is the centralized control and management center smart homes, conference broadcast, video matrix, building automation and other related equipment, connection configuration through a personalized graphical editor and a simple network, users can use iPad, etc. to achieve these devices focus control.
On the further development of TCP / IP-based network, users simply have to configure the IP address, port, controls the host ID number and other parameters in the Control Panel, iPad will be able to safely and efficiently get connected to the intelligent central control computer, and intelligent central control host realize interactive control instruction.
In a real smart home, conference broadcast control applications, users need to use PC XML Compiler edited graphical control project files, then the project file is downloaded to the iPad in the specified folder, Control Panel is responsible for loading the project file and call touchscreen interface detects the user's touch action. When the Control Panel will be binding upon detecting a touch action control engineering judgment processing background, and to (ITC) intelligent central control host sends corresponding control instruction based on the processing results via TCP / IP network, and then controlled by a central host computer to realize the smart home linkage control and other peripheral devices.
Functions implemented:
1, TCP / IP network connection parameters in the control host configuration;
2, load graphical smart home, conference broadcast, video matrix control engineering XML files;
3, detecting a touch-screen operation, and trigger events;
4, according to a touch event with engineering files for event processing, and send commands to the central control panel via the network;
5, based on TCP / IP network protocol to transmit control commands to the central control host interaction;
About control panel to use the following address
中文描述:Control Panel是智能家居、会议广播、视频矩阵、楼宇自动化等相关设备的集中控制管理中心,通过个性化的图形界面编辑以及简单的网络连接配置,用户就可以使用iPad等来实现对这些设备的集中控制。
基于TCP/IP网络上的进一步开发,用户只需在Control Panel上简单得配置IP地址、端口、中控主机ID号等参数,iPad就能够安全高效得连接到智能中央控制主机,与智能中央控制主机实现控制指令的交互。
在实际的智能家居、会议广播等控制场合,用户需要先在PC使用XML编译软件编辑好图形化的控制工程文件,然后把该工程文件下载至iPad指定文件夹中,Control Panel则负责加载该工程文件并调用触摸屏接口,检测用户的触摸动作。当Control Panel检测到触摸动作时会结合控制工程进行后台的判断处理,并根据处理结果通过TCP/IP网络向(ITC)智能中央控制主机发送相应的控制指令,再由中央控制主机实现对智能家居等外围设备的联动控制。
关于control panel 的演示功能说明网络链接http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTU3NDA5NTIwOA==.html?from=s1.8-1-1.2
Quoi de neuf dans la dernière version ?