iPhone / Utilitaires
FontaVizion lets you install fonts from a curated list that includes some of the world's most popular open source and freely available fonts, as well as unique and special styles that will look great in your documents.
I created this app to enable shared editing of Pages and Keynotes documents between Mac and Apple Vision Pro, and avoid issues with missing fonts.
The current release includes 56 static fonts to choose from, including popular choices such as:
Amatic SC (2 styles)
Anonymous Pro (4 styles)
Architects Daughter (1 style)
Bebas Neue (1 style)
Caveat (4 styles)
Font Awesome 6 Brands (1 style)
Font Awesome 6 Solid (Free Version) (1 style)
Inconsolata (72 styles)
Indie Flower (1 style)
Inter (18 styles)
Inter Display (18 styles)
Itim (1 style)
Kalam (3 styles)
Kanit (18 styles)
Lato (10 styles)
Lora (8 styles)
Major Mono Display (1 style)
Material Symbols (42 styles)
Merriweather (8 styles)
Montserrat (18 styles)
Open Sans (12 styles)
Open Sans Condensed (12 styles)
Open Sans Semi Condensed (12 styles)
Oswald (6 styles)
Poppins (18 styles)
Roboto (12 styles)
Roboto Condensed (18 styles)
Roboto Mono (14 styles)
Satoshi (10 styles)
Shadows Into Light (1 style)
Source Code Pro (16 styles)
Tiny5 (1 style)
VT323 (1 style)
To see a list of other available fonts, read through the "What's New" section and look through the version history. We add new fonts monthly!
If you don't see your font, use the request feature to ask for it!
With FontaVizion, it's super easy to install great custom fonts for you to use in other Apple Vision Pro apps such as Keynote and Pages.
Quoi de neuf dans la dernière version ?
The November 2024 FontaVizion font drop focuses on clean handwriting!
The type of clearly legible handwriting you'd find on a blueprint or annotated drawing.
This curated list of fonts is perfect when you want a hand-drawn font that's still easy to read:
Amatic SC (2 styles)
Caveat (4 styles)
Indie Flower (1 style)
Itim (1 style)
Kalam (3 styles)
Shadows Into Light (1 style)