Meghalaya Tourism Provider
iPhone / Voyages
This App is a part of the Meghalaya Tourism Information, Management and Engagement (MTIME) platform, run by the Government of Meghalaya. The same application caters to the requirement of Tourists and Service Providers, based on the profile chosen during registration. By default, the app starts in the Tourist Mode, where an user can traverse through various resources like hotels, transport etc. To book any of these resources, he has to register as a Tourist. Tourist registration is open for all, does not need any approval.
During registration, users can choose to register as a Service Provider. There are various kinds of Service Provider, under the MTIME Platform: Accommodation Provider, Tourist Guide, Tour Operator. Based on the provider type chosen, the app user interface provides specific facility pertaining to the service. Service Providers needs to get approved to be listed in the platform and use the functionality of the provider application.
Quoi de neuf dans la dernière version ?
1. Faster downloads and installations.
2. Reduced storage usage on your devices.
3. Enhanced Performance.
4. Revamped user interface for tourist spots, offering a visually appealing and user-friendly design.
5. Introduced a new feature allowing users to book events effortlessly.
Update now and experience the difference!
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