iOS Universel / Voyages
WorldFlagsDojo2 is a POWERHOUSE of Knowledge, Situational Awareness & Global Capability
Find the Current Device Location GPS Coordinates with a Touch of a Button
Press GPS to Include Street Address & Current Time on Any Interactive Map to obtain the Street Address / City / State / Country / Postal Code / Time Zone / Current Time / & GPS Coordinates for ANY LOCATION on the PLANET!!
Just CENTER the LOCATION of INTEREST inside the Map Viewer and Press "GPS" - all it takes is a Wireless Connection
WorldFlagsDojo2 is Extremely FAST
Swipe Around the Interactive Map Screen and ADD Pin Annotations by Pressing LOC1 or LOC2.....or on the GPS Favorites Screen by Pressing FAV. If you Enter a Location Description First, it will Display the Name You have Chosen...or don't name it and the App will name it for you.
WorldFlagsDojo2 Automatically Calculates Distances Between Map Locations in BOTH Miles & Kilometers.....and Displays Distances at the Top of the Interactive MAP.
Press the SWAP button to Quickly Switch between LOC1 & LOC2 Maps (Location One / Location Two)
Press the NEXT button in GPS Favorites to Quickly Navigate through the List of Saved GPS Favorites.
WorldFlagsDojo2 Automatically Saves your Favorites & Calculates Distance when you Enter them with the FAV button.
To Protect these Entries, ONLY ONE FAVORITE can be DELETED at a Time by First Pressing the NEXT Button to Navigate to the PIN that contains that Location. Make a Deletion mistake or need to recenter the Pin? No problem....just Enter a Location Description and Press FAV button before moving on......the PIN reappears in the Same Place on the Map (center of screen) and in the Same GPS Favorites Location Order.
PreLoaded GPS Favorites Contains Locations of nearly 4 Dozen Special Sites Around the GLOBE. From the Taj Mahal to the Pyramids of Giza, your eyes will be amazed. Strap yourself in for an Armchair Vacation to Remember.
What makes WorldFlagsDojo2 so POWERFUL?
1) Flags Table: Every Country & Territory w/ Flags & Interactive GPS Map
2) Country Names LIST: ALL the Countries of the WORLD
**Tap on the Locator Map to be Instantly Transported into an Interactive Map showing the Country of Interest including the Neighborhood.
Tap on the ZOOM(+) and ZOOM(-) Buttons to Quickly Zoom In or Zoom Out....much Faster than 2 Finger Pinch Zoom.
*2 Finger Pinch Zoom also works, but isn't quite as Fast and Convenient.
**Swipe anywhere on the map....if you lose the initial position, just close the screen and reopen it...the Flag or Country Button will bring you back to the same spot and also remember LOC1 and LOC2 changes.
Feel like a GEOGRAPHY Whizkid? Try the Flags Quiz button to have your Confidence Tested.
Over 270 Country Maps and Flags will be Randomly selected for you to Identify one at a time.
Just tap the Country Name....Right Answer shows GREEN, Wrong Answer shows RED.
*A New Map Automatically Loads after Delay when the Correct Answer is Selected
Is the Quiz Flag Too Hard?.....Just Tap on the Country Locator Flag to Shortcut to the Interactive Map & Quiz Country Name
**Want a Different Quiz Country Flag / Map?.....Just Tap the Flags Quiz button again.
Want to Find a Location on the Map using GPS Coordinates?....Just Tap the Enter GPS Coordinates Button
**To Enable PRECISION PIN Drop on an Existing Selected Map PIN -> TAP the Map Button to ACTIVATE (which Highlights "FAV" / "LOC1" / "LOC2" / "GPS" Buttons in RED)
1) Zoom-IN to the Desired Map Location -> Press PURPLE FAV or GPS Button to Drop PIN at Desired Location
2) Zoom-OUT to RESIZE Map Window to Desired ZOOM Level -> TAP Map to ACTIVATE & Press Desired RED Button to Drop PRECISION PIN
++ this will create a ZOOMED-OUT Pin with a PRECISE REVERSE ADDRESS
-> WorldFlagsDojo2: the Entire World in the Palm of your Hand!!~
Quoi de neuf dans la dernière version ?
***IMPROVED Text Character Recognition SUCCESS RATE during GPS Favorites IMPORT
***this Makes it PRACTICAL to COPY GPS Favorites / GEOCACHE from SCREEN CAPTURE Pics of SOCIAL MEDIA Posts!!
****Now WorldFlagsDojo2 USERS can RELIABLY EXCHANGE GPS Location Data from the COMMENTS SECTION of their SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS~
PROCEDURE -> IMPORT GPS Favorites from "Copy-Paste-Disabled" SOCIAL MEDIA Post:
1. Navigate to SOCIAL MEDIA Post featuring Desired WorldFlagsDojo2 GPS Favorites Data (DATA can be exchanged in the Comments Section)
2. SCREEN CAPTURE the POSTED WorldFlagsDojo2 GPS Favorites Data
3. Open Photos App to Desired DATA Pic -> Tap Finger over the Text Area to Activate TEXT SELECTION -> COPY Photo TEXT to Clipboard
4. **Recommended: Paste Data into NOTES Application, Email or Text Message for Convenience & Storage
5. OPEN WorldFlagsDojo2 -> Select "GPS FAVORITES" -> Select "MENU" -> Scroll to Bottom of Page -> PASTE GPS Favorites Location DATA into BLUE Text Box & Press IMPORT Button
6. Select "MENU" Again.....the BRAND NEW GPS Favorites Locations should Appear at the BOTTOM of the LOCATIONS LIST
-> WorldFlagsDojo2: now the ENTIRE WORLD fits into the Palm of your Hand!!~