Qaida Noorania - قاعدة نورانية
iOS Universel / Education
Learning HOW TO READ THE HOLY QURAN and/or HOW TO READ THE ARABIC TEXT? Start using QAIDA NOORANIA (Arabic: قاعدة نورانية) asap and see the difference! For younger audiences and novices who are keen to acquire the Arabic alphabets—the cornerstone of comprehending the language of the Quran—Noorani Qaida is an invaluable Quran teaching tool. You'll by The grace of Allah start reading The Holy Quran correctly in just days! Perhaps not like a pro, however your reading of The Quran after using the Qaida Noorania should be more than acceptable.
The purpose of this educational app is to provide Muslim children and novices with an easy-to-use method of learning Arabic alphabets and the fundamentals of Tajweed (rules). The app's chapters are arranged progressively, from simple to intricate.
With this Smart Qaida Noorania app, learning how to read The Holy Quran and learning how to read The Arabic writing with tashkeel is made a whole lot easier than ever because our app solves most if not all the problems associated with the other QAIDA apps.
Unique Features of our Qaida app:
1. Highlighter: Unlike other apps, the letter(s), word, verse or portion of a verse being recited is marked in green for you to follow. With this feature, you don't need to point to the letter being recited by hand and even if you don't know the letter, the app will mark it for you to see it.
2. Automatic Bookmarking for each Lesson: Unlike other apps where you need to manually apply bookmark for places you've stopped at in each lesson, this app does it automatically for you. Once you're ready to go for the next lesson, go ahead and do that and the app will automatically mark where you left off without you having to manually mark it.
3. Auto resumption from where you left off: If you're opening a lesson for the first time, the app starts from the first letter. However if you're resuming a lesson, the app will let you continue from where you previously stopped at.
4. Easy Navigation: No need to search for a topic! With the minimalistic design approach of this app, all the 17 lessons of The Qaida Noorania will be in front of you (if you're on an iPad) and a great portion of them on regular iPhone devices and can see all lessons with a little scroll.
5. Smart Repeat Option: With the repeat option in this app, you can listen to ONE and ONLY ONE letter/word/phrase/verse at a time! Just click the repeat button once and you're good. Click the repeat button twice to automatically loop through all letters.
LOCK Feature for younger audience:
If you're using this app to teach younger ones how to read the quran, you can lock the student(s) to a specific letter or lesson. Say you want them to master how to pronounce the letter "'ayn ع" which is difficult for many non Arabic speaking people, click the repeat button once to repeat this letter over and over again (the repeated listening will help them master it in shaa Allah) then click the padlock to lock this setting. Once you've done that, all buttons in the app will cease to become clickable so that they won't be able to change anything. To undo this, simply click the padlock again. Also refer to https://support.apple.com/en-us/111795 for info on how to limit your device to single app at a time.
Lessons Structure:
Young learners will find Lesson 1 intriguing as it presents the 30 Arabic alphabets in an enticing way.
In lesson two, common words from the Arabic language and the Quran are covered in a unique way.
Lesson 3 explores Huroof-e-Muqqataat, those are coded terms that are mentioned at the start of 29 chapters in the Quran and whose meanings are only known by Allah Ta'ala.
Lessons 4 through 12 cover Arabic phonics, teaching users how to pronounce Arabic alphabets and words with correct sounds. This practice ensures that kids & beginners develop a perfect understanding of the pronunciation of Arabic alphabets & words. The app also includes an instruction-section to guide users towards precise pronunciation.