PLIST Editor
macOS / developpeurs
PLIST Editor is a side-by-side tree & text editor for property list (plist) data. In a clean and easy to use interface, it allows you to quickly create, inspect, modify and save your .plist documents.
PLIST Editor is one of the few source control "friendly" property list editors that you can find on the market. For all plist formats (XML, Binary and OpenStep/ASCII), it maintains the order of dictionary elements and the editing capabilities are on parity with Xcode, so you don't see a difference between a file edited in PLIST Editor and one edited in Xcode.
PLIST Editor can be used as a lightweight Xcode alternative, having more features, using less disk space, less memory and starting up faster.
Core Features
• Open & save property list files in XML, Binary and OpenStep/ASCII format, including those created using NSKeyedArchiver
• Side-by-side tree & text editor. Any changes made in one of the editors are automatically reflected in the other.
• "Source control" friendly - the order of dictionary elements is preserved, showing them in the same order as defined in the file. Similarly, when the plist is written to disk, the order of items from a dictionary written to disk is the same as the one seen on screen. This is especially useful when you keep the files in a repository, because only the relevant changes will be shown when diff-ing the edited files.
Tree Editor
• Presents the plist data in a "tree" like interface, making easier for you to understand how the data is structured
• Makes the process of editing plist data error-free and way more easier than dealing with raw text
• Its selection is automatically reflected in the text editor
Tree Editor - Features
• Multiple selection of sibling elements
• Cut, copy, paste, duplicate, delete and reorder elements, even when multiple elements are selected
• Find & replace text in the plist elements. Support for "Regular Expression" is included, too
• Choose where the Find (or Replace) will take place: in "Key" or "Value" column or both
• Sort elements, either by clicking one of the column headers or using the dedicated panel
• Set label for child dictionaries to help you understand what each dictionary represents
• Edit the elements, even when multiple are selected (via "Edit -> Edit Value...")
• Paste plist data, either from raw XML or from Xcode
• Copy elements as Swift or Obj-C objects or JSON data or PLIST data
• Embed elements in array or dictionary
• Shift elements left or right
• Move elements up or down
• Row height which accommodates multi-line text
• Undo & redo
Text Editor
• Visualize and edit plist's textual content
• Any changes made in the text editor will automatically be synchronized with the tree editor
• For any errors during editing (i.e. you mistyped something and the plist XML becomes invalid) you'll be informed about this
Text Editor - Features
• Syntax coloring
• Customize the font and its size
• Change editor's location (right or bottom)
• Toggle the visibility of the the text editor
• Show (or hide) invisible characters, like tab or new lines
• Undo & redo
Folder Browser
• Browse folders' content by dragging them on the app's Dock icon or by using "File → Open" panel
• Choose .plist files to make quick edits or to view their content
• Save plist items for later reuse
• Access the Snippets by clicking the corresponding toolbar button
Quick Look Preview Extension
• Preview the .plist files in Finder using the Quick Look extension provided by the app
CMS Support
• Import plist data contained in files which are encoded using Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS), like .mobileconfig or .mobileprovision files
• View information about the signers and the additional certificates which might be included in the message
Other Features
• Dark mode, including a beautiful "black" mode
• Auto Save & Versions support, including the possibility to disable them
• Detect when the file is changed by another application
• Toolbar to access common operations
Quoi de neuf dans la dernière version ?
• Fixed a few bugs happening in various corner cases.
If you enjoy PLIST Editor and find it useful, please also consider PLIST Editor Mobile, the sibling app specifically made for iPhones and iPads.
We constantly want to improve the quality of our apps. For any feedback, questions and ideas please contact us at plist.editor.contact@gmail.com