iOS Universel / Photo et vidéo
Capture two photos of a scene with a slight horizontal shift in camera position to create an anaglyph image. The anaglyph image can then be viewed using special glasses with lenses that filter red and cyan colors to produce a 3D visualization of the scene.
Taking Photos
1. Tap the Take Photos button to open the camera.
2. Capture two images — the second slightly to the right of the first — the app will present a cue and guide to aid in aligning the second shot with the first.
3. After capturing both images, the app will automatically create an anaglyph image.
4. Captured images appear below the Take Photos button. Retake photos by tapping the button again. Tap the image zoom button for a closer view. To save the anaglyph image, tap the save button. To save all images use the menu in the upper left side of the main veiw.
5. Repeat: Experiment with different right shift offsets. Save and compare.